Bank Branch Statutory Audit |
Sr. No.
Bank Branch Statutory Audit
– key areas of verification
Income Recognition
& Asset Classification Norms
At a Glance
Asset Classification
– At a Glance
Draft Engagement Letter to be sent to the Appointing Authority of the Bank
Draft Letter of Requirements to be sent to the Branch
Draft of Management Representation Letter to be obtained from the Branch Management
Illustrative format of certificate on Ghosh & Jilani committee recommendations
Advances checklist for LFAR
Glossary to Irregularities
Draft Audit Program
Master Circulars
BCA Referencer 2013-2014
Bank Branch Statutory Audit – Certain Aspects
Important Audit Checks
Preliminary Work:
Acceptance letter
NOC from previous auditors
issue of audit engagement letter as per SA-210
Familiarity with RBI circulars and Institute guidance note, Accounting policies of the Bank
letter to the Branch manager for requirements for the purpose of the audit
review of various circulars issued by HO especially the closing circular
Study previous year’s audit report, concurrent audit reports, RBI inspection etc
Risk assessment & Evaluation of Internal controls
Preparation of audit program and its execution.
Lay down an overall time schedule.
Ensure that the Audit staff is satisfactorily trained and there is sufficient skill and competence for specialised areas.
Keep flexibility in the Audit plan for giving extra focus to weak areas, identified during the course of audit.
The Audit program should cover all the areas under liabilities, assets, income, expenditure and off Balance sheet items. However there should be special emphasis on verification of advances, income recognition and provisions to be made.
Co ordination with the Branch Management
Auditing Standards
With all the Auditing Standards mandatory and Peer Review in place, its imperative that all the Auditing Standards of ICAI are complied with. Though all the auditing standards are mandatory, in the context of bank audits ,following auditing standards are more relevant and branch auditor need to give more emphasis to the same:
SA 210 – Terms of Audit Engagement
SA 310 – Knowledge of Business
SA 400 – Risk Assessment and Internal Control
SA 320 – Materiality
SA 530 – Audit sampling
SA 300 – Audit Planning
SA 220 – Quality Control for Audit Work
SA 500 – Audit Evidence
SA 230 – Audit Documentation
SA 580 – Representation by Management
Areas to be covered
The broad areas which the branch auditors should verify are:
Physical verification of cash, security papers, valuable securities etc.
Sundry Assets / Suspense Accounts.
Sundry Liabilities.
Inter Branch Reconciliation.
Fixed Assets.
Contingent Liabilities.
Income Heads.
Expenditure Heads.
Brief guidelines for the above areas are given in the following paragraphs.
Verify transactions during the year relating to:
New Accounts opened
Compliance of KYC norms
Accounts closed
Dormant Accounts
Overdue Term deposits & banks policy for its renewal & interest provision thereon.
RBI Norms for Non–resident deposits & its operations – with due importance to opening and operation of accounts like NRE, NRNR, FCNR, RFC, etc
Interest on various types of deposits including savings account on test check basis ; Tax Deducted at Source and year end interest
Large deposits placed at the end of the year (probable window dressing)
Examine unusual trend in account opening or account closing, dormant accounts that have suddenly been reactivated by heavy cash withdrawals or deposits, over drawings, etc
Examine interest trends as compared to average annual deposits (monthly average figures)
Extent of Checking :
All the advances whose balance is lower of 5% of total advance or Rs.2 Cr.
Advances which are sanctioned during the year and other advances on test check basis depending on the balance outstanding.
Advances which are adversely commented by previous auditors, RBI inspection team, concurrent auditors, bank’s internal inspection
Type of Advances:
Cash Credit/Overdraft, Term Loans, Bills Purchased/discounted, Packing credit etc.
Non Funded:
Bank guarantees, Letter of Credits, Letter of comforts etc.
Some of the important areas to be examined /reviewed in respect of advances are:
Evaluation of Internal Control (illustrative):
Existence of clearly laid down delegation of authority
Existence of clearly laid down eligibility criteria for loan
Existence of post disbursement monitoring.
Pre sanction stage:
compliance, prescribed application form
Review of credit appraisal system before sanction of loan, system of renewal/review of loan.
Post sanction stage:
Whether terms of sanction have been complied with in case of new advances
Whether documents in respect of all the facilities are obtained as per the bank manual and charge has been created in respect of securities available to the bank
Approval of documents executed by legal department .panel of advocates.
Whether end use of funds in case of new loans is verified.
Review and Monitoring of advances:
Whether the borrower is regular in submission of the stock & book debt statements and same are scrutinized by an officer and Drawing Power correctly calculated.
Whether insurance policies are on record and assets which are charged as security are adequately insured.
Whether regular inspection/stock verification of the borrowers is done by the Bank/ by a firm of CA as per laid down procedure of the Bank.
Whether frequently overdrawn accounts are properly monitored and reported to the Controlling Office.
Whether the borrower regularly submits its quarterly reviewed results (in case of listed companies) and annual audited financial statements. Whether they are scrutinized by the Officer to verify that actual results match with the projections. If not, whether clarification is sought.
Review the operations in the accounts on test check basis
Whether interest and penal interest in case of delayed submission of stock statements, overdrawn accounts etc. is charged.
Verification of statement of advances:
Check that classification of advances, income recognition and provisioning is done as per RBI guidelines
Scrutinize the final advances statement with regard to asset classification, ,security value, classification in secured and unsecured, drawing power, outstanding balance
Profit & Loss Account
Income/ Expenditure: Verify
Short debit of interest/ commission on advances with special emphasis on penal interest, commitment charges etc.
Excess/short credit of interest on deposits
Miscellaneous income like locker rent, income on forex business etc on test check basis.
Proper authority in sanction and disbursement of expenses as also the correctness of the accounting treatment given as to revenue & capital expenditure
Verify depreciation in case it is provided at the Branch level
Check accrual of income/ expenditure especially for the last month of the financial year
Divergent Trends
Divergent trends in income/ expenditure of the current year may be analysed with the figures of the previous year
Wherever a divergent trend is observed, obtain an explanation along with supporting evidences like monthly average figures, composition of the income/ expenditure, etc
Balance Sheet
Cash & Bank Balances
Physically verify
the Cash Balance as on March 31, 2014 or reconcile the cash balance from the date of verification to March 31, 2014
Confirm and reconcile
the Balances with banks as on March 31, 2014
Verify that the cash is held in dual custody
Verify whether cash held by the Branch during the year is within the retention limit fixed by the Head Office
Verify whether cash held by the Branch is adequately insured.
Stationery & Stamps
Physically verify stationery and stamps as on March 31, 2014.
Verify whether the Branch has adequate internal control for receipt, issue and custody of the stock of stationery & stamps
Physically verify
the Investments held by the branch on behalf of Head Office and issue certificate of physical verification of investments to bank’s Investments Department
Check receipt of interest and its subsequent credit to be given to Head Office
Fixed Assets
Check that accounting of fixed assets is done in accordance with AS-10. Also check accounting of major capital expenditure especially in branches located in leased premises
Check Inter–branch transfer memos relating to Fixed Assets and whether they have been correctly classified in the accounts and depreciation correctly provided thereon
Inter Branch Reconciliation (IBR)
Understand the IBR
system and accordingly prepare an audit plan to review the IBR transactions. The large volume of Inter Branch Transactions and the large number of un reconciled entries in the banking system makes the area fraud–prone
Check up head office inward communication to branch to ascertain date up to which statements relating to inter–branch reconciliation have been sent
Check and report
Reversal of any large/ old/ unexplained entries, which had remained outstanding in IBR
Items of revenue nature, cash–in–transit (for example, cash meant for deposit into currency chest) which remains pending for more than a reasonable period
The system of inter branch reconciliation has under gone change due to implementation Core Banking. Because of the core banking, Inter branch balance is reconciled on line and there is no difference generally in this account Therefore the auditor may suitably change his audit approach considering the change in system adopted by the Bank.
Suspense Accounts, Sundry Deposits, etc
Suspense accounts are adjustment accounts in which certain debit transactions are temporarily posted whose authorisation
is pending for approval
Sundry Deposit accounts are adjustment accounts in which certain credit transactions are temporarily posted whose authorisation is pending for approval
As and when the transactions are duly authorised by the concerned officials they are posted to the respective accounts and the Suspense account/ Sundry Deposit account is credited/ debited respectively
Ask for and analyse their year–wise break–up
Check the nature of entries parked in such Accounts
Check any movement in such old balances and whether the same is genuine and has been properly authorised by the competent authority
Check for any revenue items lying in such accounts and whether proper treatment has been given for the same
Provision should be recommended against old debit balances which are unexplained or in opinion of the auditors is non recoverable.
Auditing in CBS/Computerised environment
Overall scope of audit does not change but audit procedure is affected. Conduct audit as per SA 401- Evaluation of Internal Control in CIS environment
Familiarize with EDP/CBS system, gain the understanding of the flow of transactions and specific control procedures by reviewing sample reports.
Review system audit report to understand the system, weakness in the system and suggestions made to improve the system
Verify various controls like a) control in respect of access to system, password protection, b) input control in respect of rate of interest, value of
security, drawing power etc.
Verify how start of (SOD) and End of Day
(EOD) procedure is handled.
Verification of system of uploading of transactions during down time.
Verify controls during transfer of data from CBS to software used for preparation of financial statements.
Verify controls in respect of access to data base, restriction on change in master data and back up controls
Verify Exceptional Reports.
Auditors Report & Memorandum of Changes
Audit Report should be on the letter head of the firm and not on the printed stationery given by the bank and it should be correctly dated.
The Auditors Report should be a self contained document and should contain no reference of any point made in any other report including the LFAR
Include Audit Qualifications in the Auditors Report and not in the LFAR
Quantify the Audit Qualifications for a better appreciation of the point made to the reader
For suggesting any changes in the financial statements of the branch, quantify the same in the Memorandum of Changes
(MOC) and make it a subject matter of qualification and annexe it to the Auditors Report
Certain items like provisions for employees benefit, provision on NPA etc. is done at Head Office and many Accounting Standards are complied with at Head Office. Auditors Report should contain qualification in respect of the same.
The latest Audit Report format in case of Bank Branches as per revised SA 700 is given as Annexure
Long Form Audit Report
Study the LFAR
Questionnaire thoroughly
Plan the LFAR
work along with the statutory audit right from day one
questionnaire is a useful tool for planning the statutory audit of a branch
Complete & submit
the Auditors Report as well as the LFAR simultaneously
Comments in LFAR
should be specific and not vague.
Give instances
of shortcomings/ weaknesses existing in the respective areas of the branch functioning in the LFAR
should be sufficiently detailed and quantified so that they can be expeditiously consolidated by the bank.
There are number of certificates required to be issued by the Branch Auditors. Some of these certificates are relating to disclosures for the Bank as a whole. These are:
Certification of figures for capital adequacy as per Basel-II norms.
Asset Liability management (ALM)
Details of restructured account/interest sacrifice etc.
Branch auditor need to take due care while certifying the figures of these certificates. In respect of data for compliance of Basel II norms and ALM, the branch auditor need to apply appropriate audit checks to ensure that data generated by the system are reliable. Also refer the relevant Master Circular.
Certification of Ghosh and Jilani Committee recommendations is another important certification for which auditor should give suitable disclaimers wherever required.
Materiality should be observed while reporting.
Send a Letter of your Requirements to the Branch before commencing the audit [Draft Letter enclosed herewith]
Obtain the latest status of cases involving fraud, vigilance and matters under investigation having effect on the accounts and report it appropriately.
Obtain a Management Representation Letter
(MRL) [Draft MRL enclosed herewith]
Income Recognition
k Asset Classification Norms
– At A Glance
Credit Facility
Basis for treating a Credit Facility as NPA
Term Loans
Interest or installment remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days from end of the quarter
Agricultural Advances: In respect of advances granted for agricultural purposes where interest and/ or
installment of principal remains overdue for a period of more than two crop seasons for short duration crops and one crop season for long duration crops, the advance should be treated as NPA
An amount due to the bank under any credit facility is ‘Overdue’ if it is not paid on the due date fixed by the bank
Cash Credits & Overdrafts
The account remains continuously “out of order” for a period of more than 90 days i.e. Outstanding balance remains continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit/ drawing power or there are no credits continuously for a period of 90 days as on the date of Balance Sheet or credits are not enough to cover the interest debited during the same period
Banks may not classify an account merely due to existence of some deficiencies, ––which are of temporary nature such as non–availability of adequate drawing power, balance outstanding exceeding the limit, non–submission of stock statements and non–renewal of the limits on the due date, etc
However, outstanding in an account based on stock statements older than three months would be deemed irregular. Such account will become NPA if such irregular drawings are permitted in the account for a continuous period of 90 days even though the unit may be working or the borrower’s financial position is satisfactory.
Further, an account where the regular/ ad–hoc credit limits have not been reviewed/ renewed within 180 days from the due date/ date of ad–hoc sanction respectively, will be treated as NPA
Bills Purchased & Discounted
The bills purchased/ discounted remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days
Overdue interest should not be charged and taken to income account in respect of overdue bills unless it is realized
Derivative Transactions
Overdue receivables representing positive mark to market value of a derivative contract remaining unpaid for a period of 90 days from specified due date.
Liquidity Facility
Remains outstanding for more than 90 days in respect of Securitisation transaction.
Government guaranteed advances
State Government guaranteed advance would attract asset classification and provisioning norms, if interest and/ or principal or any other amount due to the bank remains overdue for more than 90 days
Credit facilities backed by guarantee of Central
Government though overdue may be treated as NPA only when the government repudiates its guarantee when invoked. However, income shall not be recognised if the interest or installment has remained overdue or the account has remained continuously out of order or the bills or any other facility has remained overdue for a period of more than 90 days
For Copy of
Master Circular on Prudential Norms on Income recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to the Advances Portfolio issued by Reserve Bank of India vide
DBOD.No.BP.BC.9 /21.04.048/2012-13
dated July 2,
refer to
- Once an account has been classified as NPA, all the facilities granted to the borrower will be treated as NPA except in respect of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)/ Farmers Service Societies
(FSS). Also, in respect of additional facilities sanctioned as per package finalised by BIFR and/ or term lending institutions, provision may be made after a period of one year from the date of disbursement in respect of additional facilities sanctioned under the rehabilitation package. The original facilities granted would however continue to be classified as sub–standard/ doubtful, as the case may be
- Advances against term deposits, NSCs
eligible for surrender, IVPs, KVPs and Life policies need not be treated as NPA.
However income on such advances can be recognized subject to availability of margin. Advances against gold ornaments, government securities and all other securities are not covered by this exemption
- Till the time the account is identified as NPA, income is recognised irrespective of whether realised or not. Where an account is identified as NPA during the year, unrealised income should not be recognised for the year. Also, unrealized interest of the previous periods should be reversed or provided.
- In respect of NPAs with the balance of Rs. 5.00 crores and above, bank needs to formulate policy for annual stock audit by external agencies & in respect of immovable properties, valuation to be carried out once in three years by approved valuer.
If the accounts of the borrowers have been regularised before the balance sheet date by repayment of overdue amounts, the same should be verified carefully and without scope for subjectivity. Where the account indicates inherent weakness on the basis of the data available, the account should be deemed as
a NPA. In other genuine cases, the banks must furnish satisfactory evidence to the Statutory Auditors about the manner of regularisation of the account to eliminate doubts on their performing status.
Advance under rehabilitation programme approved by BIFR / Institutions, Provision should be continued to be made on existing facilities.
No provision is required to be made on additional facilities for a period of one year.
In case of advances guaranteed by CGTSI/ECGC, Provision should be made only for balance in excess of the amount guaranteed by these corporations.
In absence of a clear agreement between the bank and the borrower for the purpose of appropriation of recoveries of NPAs, banks should adopt an accounting principle and exercise the right of appropriation of recoveries in a uniform and consistent manner. Thus in case of recoveries in NPAs, auditor should verify that appropriation between interest and/or principal is done as per its consistent accounting policy of the Bank.
The Master Circular issued by RBI on 2nd July 2012 has separate Part B only on restructuring. Classification of various categories of restructured advances should be done as per Para 9 to 18 of this chapter. Some of the important aspects relating to restructuring are highlighted below.
Part C of the Master Circular dated 2nd July 2012 deals with
Prudential Norms in on Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning, and Capital Adequacy in respect of Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008
Any account classified as standard, sub standard or doubtful.
Restructuring cannot be done retrospectively and usual asset classification norms would continue to apply.
Restructuring should be subject to customer agreeing to terms and conditions.
Financial viability should be established.
Borrowers indulging in frauds and malfeasance are ineligible.
BIFR cases eligible for restructuring subject to approval from BIFR.
Asset Classification Norms
Restructuring of accounts could take place in following stages:
Before commencement of commercial production
After commencement of commercial production / operation but before the asset has been classified as ‘Sub Standard’.
After the commencement of commercial production / operation but after the asset has been classified as ‘Sub Standard’ or doubtful.
Standard Asset would get reclassified as sub standard and account which is already NPA would continue to have the same classification.
Additional finance would be treated as standard up to a period of one year.
All restructured accounts, classified as NPA upon restructuring would be eligible for up gradation after observation of satisfactory performance for the period of one year.
Provisioning Norms
Total provision required would be normal provision plus provision in lieu of diminution in fair value of advances.
Diminution in fair value would be required to be recomputed on each balance sheet date.
Banks have option of notionally computing the diminution in fair value and providing at 5% in case of all restructured accounts where the total dues to bank is less than one crore.
Special Regulatory Treatment for asset classification.
Not available to following categories of advances:
Consumer and personnel advances
Advances classified as capital market exposure
Advances classified as commercial real estate exposure.
Incentive for quick implementation of package
The asset classification status may be restored if the approved package is implemented
Within in 120 days from the date of approval under CDR
Within 90 days from the date of receipt of application by Bank in other cases.
Asset classification benefits
A) Standard advance will not be reclassified as sub standard upon restructuring
if following
conditions are satisfied.
Dues of the bank are fully secured by tangible security (except SSI borrower with outstanding upto Rs.25 lacs & infrastructure projects)
unit becomes viable in 10 years, if it is engaged in infrastructure activities and in 7 years in case of other units.
Repayment period including moratorium does not exceed 15 and 10 years for infrastructure and other projects respectively ( 10 years ceiling won’t apply to restructured hosing loan accounts)
Promoters sacrifice and additional funds brought by them should be a minimum of 15% of bank’s sacrifice
If promoters face genuine difficulty then 50% upfront and the balance within one year
Personal guarantee is offered by promoters.
The restructuring is not ‘repeated restructuring'
B) During the specified period the asset classification of sub standard / doubtful accounts will not deteriorate, if satisfactory performance is demonstrated during
the specified period.
Conditions to be satisfied
Provision Amount
Standard Assets
General Provision on standard assets is as under:
Direct advances to Agricultural and SME sector 0.25%
Commercial Real Estate (CRE)Sector 1%
Others .40%
Restructured Assets and Housing Loans 2 %
Sub–Standard Assets
Classified as NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months
Classification of an asset should not be upgraded merely as a result of rescheduling, unless there is satisfactory compliance of the required conditions at least for one year
A general provision of 15% of total outstanding.
An unsecured exposure i.e. an exposure where the realizable value of security is not more than 10% ab-initio of the outstanding exposure, an additional provision of 10% i.e. total of 25% of the outstanding balance. ( Refer para
5.4 of the master circular)
In respect of accounts where there are potential threats of recovery on account of erosion in the value of security or non–availability of security and existence of other factors such as frauds committed by borrowers, it will not be prudent for banks to first classify them as sub–standard and then as doubtful after expiry of twelve months from the date the account has become NPA. Such accounts should be straightaway classified as doubtful asset (when realizable value of security is less than 50% of the total value of security) or loss asset (when realizable value of security is less than 10% of the value of security), as appropriate, irrespective of the period for which it has remained as NPA
Doubtful Assets
100% to the extent to which the advances are not covered by the realisable value of the security to which the bank has a valid recourse
Over and above the aforesaid, depending upon the period for which the asset has remained doubtful, provision on the secured portion to be made on the following basis:
Upto 1 year 25%
1 to 3 years 40%
Over 3 years 100%
It has all the weaknesses inherent in that of a sub– standard asset with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make the collection/ liquidation in full, highly questionable and improbable, on the basis of current known facts, conditions and values
Loss Assets
If the assessed realisable value of the security is less than 10 per cent of the outstanding amount, the existence of security should be ignored and the asset should be straightaway classified as loss asset
An Illustrative Format of Report of the Branch
Auditor of a Nationalised Bank
Independent Bank Branch Auditor’s Report
The Statutory Central Auditors
________ Bank
Report on Financial Statements
1. We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of _______________Branch of ____________ (name of the Bank) which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 20XX, Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, and other explanatory information.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements:
2. Management of the Branch is responsible for the preparation of these Financial Statements that give true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the Branch in accordance with the Banking Regulation Act, complying with Reserve Bank of India Guidelines from time to time. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility:
3.Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
4.An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The Procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our Audit opinion.
6. In our opinion, and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, read with the Memorandum of Changes mentioned in paragraph 11 below, the financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
(a)in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Branch as at March 31, 20XX; and
(b)in the case of Profit and Loss Account, of the Profit / Loss for the year ended on that date;
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
7.The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in accordance with Section 29 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949;
8.Subject to the limitations of the audit as indicated in Paragraphs 3 to 5 above and paragraph 10 below, we report that:
a.We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of the audit and have found them to be satisfactory.
b.The transactions of the branch which have come to my/our notice have been within the powers of the Bank.
9.We further report that:
a.the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account and returns;
in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the branch so far as appears from our examination of those books;
Other Matters
10. No adjustments/provisions have been made in the accounts of the Branch in respect of matters usually dealt with at Central Office, including in respect of:
Bonus, ex-gratia, and other similar expenditure and allowances to branch employees;
Terminal permissible benefits to eligible employees on their retirement (including additional retirement benefits), Gratuity, Pension, liability for leave encashment benefits and other benefits covered in terms of ‘AS 15 –Employee Benefits’ issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India;
Arrears of salary/wages/allowances, if any, payable to staff;
Staff welfare contractual obligations;
Old unreconciled/unlinked entries at debit under various heads comprising Inter branch/office Adjustments;
Interest on overdue term deposits;
Depreciation on fixed assets;
Auditors’ fees and expenses;
Taxation (Current Tax and Deferred Tax).
11.The following is a summary of Memorandum of Changes submitted by us to the branch management.
Memorandum of Changes (summary)
In respect of Income
In respect of expenditure
In respect of Assets
In respect of Liabilities
In respect of Gross NPAs
In respect of Provision on NPAs
In respect of Classification of Advances
In respect of Risk Weighted Assets
Other items (if any)
For ABC and Co.
Chartered Accountants
(Name of the Member Signing the Audit Report)
Membership Number
Firm registration number
Place of Signature
Engagement Letter to be sent to the Appointing Authority of the Bank
March 20, 2014
The Zonal/ Regional Manager
_____________ Bank
_____________ Zone/ Region
Dear Sirs:
Re.: Engagement Letter
You have requested that we audit the balance sheets of __________ Branch & __________ Branch of _________ Bank as at March 31, 2014 and the related profit and loss account for the year ended on that date. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this engagement by means of this letter. Our audit will be conducted with the objective of our expressing an opinion on the financial statements
We will conduct our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India and with the requirements of the Banking Regulation Act and the Reserve Bank of India Act and the guidelines issued under the said statutes from time to time. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation
However, having regard to the test nature of an audit, persuasive rather than conclusive nature of audit evidence together with inherent limitations of any accounting and internal control system, there is an unavoidable risk that even some material misstatements of financial statements, resulting from fraud, and to a lesser extent error, if either exists, may remain undetected
In addition to our report on the financial statements, we expect to provide you with a separate letter concerning any material weaknesses in accounting and internal control systems which might come to our notice in the form of a Long Form Audit Report
The responsibility for preparation of financial statements on a going concern basis is that of management. Management is also responsible for selection and consistent application of appropriate accounting policies, including implementation of applicable accounting standards along with proper explanation relating to any material departures from those accounting standards. The management is also responsible for making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the entity at the end of the financial year and of the profit or loss of the entity for that period
Responsibility of management also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records and internal controls for safeguarding of the assets of the branch and for the preventing and detecting fraud or other irregularities. As part of our audit process, we will request from management written confirmation concerning representations made to us in connection with the audit.
We also wish to invite your attention that our audit process is subject to 'Peer Review' under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. The reviewer may examine our working papers during the course of the peer review
We look forward to full cooperation with your staff and we trust that they will make available to us whatever records; documentation and other information are requested in connection with our audit
Our fees will be billed upon completion of our audit assignment
Kindly acknowledge receipt
ABC & Co
Chartered Accountants
Draft Letter of Requirements to be sent to the Branch
March 20, 2014
The Branch Manager
_____________ Bank
_____________ Branch
Dear Sir:
Statutory Audit of your branch for the year 2013-14
As you are aware, we have been appointed as the Statutory Auditor to report on the accounts of your Branch for the year 2013-2014
In order to enable us to finalise the audit programme and furnish our report on the audit of the accounts for the year 2013-2014 of your branch, may we request you to keep the following information/ clarification ready and make the same available to our audit team at the earliest:
1. Latest Reports
The following latest reports on the accounts of your Bank, and compliance by the Bank on the observations contained therein may be kept ready for our perusal:
Latest RBI Inspection Report;
Internal/ Concurrent Audit Reports;
Head Office Inspection Reports;
Internal Inspection Reports;
Revenue Audit Report (if any);
Income and Expenditure Control Report (if any);
Report on any other Inspection/ Audit that may have been conducted during the course of the year relevant to the financial year 2009-2010
2. Circulars in Connection with Accounts
Please let us have a copy of the Head Office circulars/ instructions in connection with the closing of your accounts for the year, to the extent not communicated to us or incorporated in our letter of appointment
3. Accounting Policies
Kindly confirm whether, as compared to the earlier year, there are any changes in the accounting policies during the year under audit. If so, please let us have a list and a copy of the accounting policy/ies amended by the bank during the year covered by the current audit and compute the financial effect thereof to enable us to verify the same
4. Deposits
a) Please
let us have the Interest rate structure, applicable for the current year, for all the types of deposits accepted by the branch
b) Kindly
confirm having transferred Overdue/ Matured Term Deposits to Current Account Deposit. If not, details/ particulars of credit balances comprising Overdue/ Matured Term Deposits as at the year–end which continue to be shown as Term Deposit, particularly where the branch does not have any instructions/ communication for renewal of such deposits from the account holder and amount of provision of interest made on such overdue/ matured term deposits, should be separately marked out and be kept ready for our reference
5. Advances
a) Kindly
confirm whether in respect of the advances against tangible securities, the branch holds evidence of existence and latest market value of the relevant securities as at the year–end
b) Kindly
inform the year–end status of the accounts, particularly those which have been adversely commented upon in the latest reports of RBI/ Internal Auditors/ Concurrent Auditors/ Statutory Auditors, etc on the branch as also accounts in respect of which provisions have been made/ recommended as at the previous year–end
Information in relation to such advances accounts where provision computed/ recommended may please be prepared indicating:
i Name of the borrower
ii Type of facility
iii *Total amount outstanding as at the year–end (both for principal and interest) specifying the date upto which interest has been levied and recovered
iv Particulars of securities and value on the basis of latest report/ statement
v Nature of default and action taken
vi Brief history and present status of the advance
vii *Provision already made/ recommended
viii NPA
since when (please specify the date)
* Corresponding figures for the previous year–end may please be given
c) Kindly
confirm whether the borrowers’ account have been categorised according to the norms applicable for the year into Standard, Sub–standard, Doubtful or Loss assets, with special emphasis on Non–Performing Assets
(NPA) and whether such classification has also been made applicable by the branch to advances with balances of less than Rs.25,000 each
Kindly confirm whether you have examined the accounts and applied the norms borrower–wise and not account–wise for categorising the accounts. Please let us have the particulars of provisions computed/ recommended in respect of the above during the financial year under audit
d) A
list of all advances accounts which have been identified as bad/ doubtful accounts and where pending formal sanction of the higher authorities, the relevant amount have not been re–classified/ re–categorised in the book of the Branch for provision/ write off. This covers all account identified by the Branch or internal/ external auditor or by RBI inspectors but the amount has not been written–off wholly or partly
In case the Bank has recommended action against the borrowers or for initiating legal or other coercive action for recovery of dues, a list of such borrowers’ accounts may be furnished to us
e) Please
let us have a list of borrowers’ accounts where classification made as at the end of the previous year has been changed to a better classification, stating reasons for the same
f) Kindly also confirm whether any income has been adjusted/ recorded to revenue, contrary to the norms of income recognition notified by the Reserve Bank of India and/ or Head Office circulars issued in this regards; and particularly where the chances of recovery/ realisablity of the income are remote
Kindly also confirm whether any income has been recorded on Non–Performing Accounts other than on actual realisation
7. Outstanding in Suspense/ Sundry Account
Kindly let us have a year–wise/ entry–wise break up of amounts outstanding in Suspense/ Sundry accounts as on March 31, 2014. Kindly explain the nature of the amounts in brief. Supporting evidences relating to the existence of such amounts in the aforesaid accounts may be kept ready at the branch for verification. Reasons for non–adjustment of items included in these may be made known
8. Contingent Liabilities
a) Kindly confirm whether other than for advances, there are any matters involving the Bank in any claims in litigation, arbitration or other disputes in which there may be some financial implications, including for staff claim, municipal taxes, local levies etc If so, these may be listed for our verification, and you may confirm whether you have included these as contingent liabilities
b) Kindly confirm whether guarantees are being disclosed net of margins, or otherwise as at the year–end, and whether the expired guarantee where the claim year has also expired, continue to be disclosed in the Branch return. Please confirm specifically
9. Interest Provision
a) Kindly confirm whether interest provision has been made on deposits etc in accordance with the latest instruction of the RBI/ interest rate structure of the bank. A copy of such instructions/ rate structure may be made available for our scrutiny
b) Kindly confirm whether any amount recorded as income up to the year–end, which remains unrecovered or not realisable, has been reversed from any of the income heads or has been debited to any expenditure head during the financial year. If so, please let us have details to enable us to verify the same
c) Kindly confirm the accounting treatment as regards reversal, if any of interest/ other income recorded up to the previous year–end; and the amount reversed during the year under audit i.e. income of earlier years derecognised during the year
10. Foreign Currency Outstanding Transactions
a) Kindly confirm whether amount outstanding as at the year–end have been converted as at the year–end rates prescribed by FEDAI. An authenticated copy of the FEDAI
rates applied may be given for our records
b) Kindly confirm the amount of inward value of foreign currency parcels, if any, which originated prior to the year–end from other banks, but could not be recorded as these were in transit and for which entries were made after the year end
11. Investment/ Stationery
For Investment held by the branch:
a) These may be produced for physical verification and/ or evidence of holding the same be made available
b) Stock of unused security paper stationery/ numbered forms like B/Rs, SGL forms, etc may please be produced for physical verification
c) It may be confirmed whether income accrued/ collected has been accounted as per the laid down procedure
d) It may be confirmed whether Investment Valuation has been done as per the extant RBI guidelines
12. Long Form Audit Report – Branch response to the Questionnaire
In connection with the Long Form Audit Report, please let us have complete information as regards each item in the questionnaire, to enable us to verify the same for the purpose of our audit
13. Tax Audit in terms of Section 44AB of the Income–tax Act, 1961
Please let us have the information required for the tax audit under section 44AB of the Income–tax Act, 1961 to enable us to verify the same for the purpose of our report thereon
14. Other Certification
Please furnish us the duly authenticated information as regards other matters, which as per the letter of appointment require certification
15. Bank Reconciliation & Confirmations
Please let us have, the duly reconciled statements for all Nostro as well as Local bank accounts. A copy of the year–end balance confirmation statements should also be called for and kept ready for our review
16.Books of accounts and records
Kindly keep ready all the records like vouchers, documents, Fixed Assets Register, etc for our verification
We shall appreciate your kind co–operation in the matter
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
ABC & Co
Chartered Accountants
Draft of Management Representation Letter to be obtained from the Branch Management
April 10, 2014
M/s XYZ & Co
Chartered Accountants
Dear Sirs,
Sub.: Audit for the year ended March 31, 2014
This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of _____________ branch of _______________ BANK for the year ended March 31, 2014 for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of ___________ branch of _______________
BANK as of March 31, 2014 and of the results of operations for the year then ended. We acknowledge our responsibility for preparation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Reserve Bank of India and recognised accounting policies and practices, including the Accounting and Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the following representations:
The accounting policies which are material or critical in determining the results of operations for the year or financial position are set out in the financial statements and are consistent with those adopted in the financial statements for the previous year. The financial statements are prepared on accrual basis except as stated otherwise in the financial statements
There are no changes in the accounting policies followed by the branch during the current year
The branch has a satisfactory title to all assets and there are no liens or encumbrances on the branch's assets. The branch has not received any legal notices from the landlords asking them to vacate the premises that the branch is currently occupying as a lessee
The Fixed Assets held by Branches have been properly accounted and have been physically verified at the year end. No discrepancies are noticed on such verification. Depreciation on these assets have been adequately provided as per the policy of the Bank.
At the balance sheet date, there were no outstanding commitments for capital expenditure
In the opinion of the management, other current assets have a value on realization in the ordinary course of the branch’s business which is at least equal to the amount at which they are stated in the balance sheet
The Cash balance as on March 31, 2014 is Rs._____________
The branch has recorded all known liabilities in the financial statements
8.1The branch has disclosed in notes to the financial statements all;
guarantees that we have given to third parties;
Letters of Credits (Local/ Import);
Letters of Comfort (Local/ Import);
Deferred Payment Credits/ Guarantees (Local/ Import);
and all other contingent liabilities
8.2 .Other than for advances, there are no matters involving the branch in any claims in litigation, arbitration or other disputes in which there may be some financial implications, including for staff claim, branch rentals, municipal taxes, local levies etc except for those which have been appropriately included under contingent liabilities
8.3.Guarantees are disclosed net of margins as at the year–end, and expired guarantee where the claim year has also expired has been correctly removed from the branch return
8.4.Contingent liabilities disclosed in the notes to the financial statements do not include any contingencies, which are likely to result in a loss and which, therefore, require adjustment of assets or liabilities
8.5.No cases/ legal disputes are pending against the branch/ lodged by the branch, for which no liability has accrued/ is likely to accrue in the future
Provision has been made in the accounts for all known losses and claims of material amounts
10.There have been no events subsequent to the balance sheet date that require adjustment of, or disclosure in, the financial statements or notes thereto
Except as disclosed in the financial statements, the results for the year were not materially affected by:
(a) transactions of a nature not usually undertaken by the branch;
(b) Circumstances of an exceptional or non–recurring nature;
(c) Charges or credits relating to prior years;
(d) Changes in accounting policies
12.We have made available to you
all the following latest reports on the accounts of our branch, and compliance by the branch on the observations contained therein:
Previous year’s Branch Audit Report;
b) Internal Inspection Reports;
Report on any other Inspection Audit that has been conducted during the course of the year relevant to the financial year 2013-2014
Apart from the above, the branch has not received any notice, show cause, inspection advice, etc from Government of India, Reserve Bank of India or any other monitoring or regulatory authority of India that could have a material effect on the financial statements of the branch during the year
The books of the accounts are computerized and hence the subsidiary records are automatically balanced with the relevant control records
All Overdue/ Matured Term Deposits are held as Matured Term Deposits
15.1.In respect of all the advances against tangible securities, the branch holds evidence of existence and market value of the relevant securities as at the year–end
15.2.All the borrowers’ account have been categorised according to the prevalent RBI norms applicable for the year, into Standard, Sub–standard, Doubtful or Loss assets, with special emphasis on Non–Performing Assets
15.3.We have examined the accounts and applied the norms borrower–wise and not account–wise for categorising the accounts
15.4.The classification of advances made as at the end of the previous year has not been changed to a better classification
15.5.No income has been adjusted/ recorded to revenue, contrary to the norms of income recognition notified by the Reserve Bank of India; and particularly where the chances of recovery/ realisability of the income are remote
15.6.No income has been recorded on Non–Performing Accounts other than on actual realisation
The year–wise/ entry–wise break up of amounts
outstanding in Sundry deposits/ Sundry assets as on March 31, 2014 has already
been submitted to you along with explanation of the nature of the amounts in
brief and supporting evidences relating to the existence of such amounts in the
aforesaid accounts
17.1. Interest provision has been made on deposits, etc in accordance with the extant instructions of the Head Office
17.2. Any amount recorded as income upto
the year–end, which remains unrecovered or not realisable, has been reversed from the respective income heads or has been debited to corresponding expenditure head during the year
17.3 . The accounting treatment as regards reversal, if any of interest/ other income recorded upto the previous year end; and the amount reversed during the year under audit i.e. income of earlier years de–recognised during the year has been made in accordance with the prevalent RBI norms of Income Recognition
17.4 .The interest provision for Head Office Interest shall be made at the Head Office
Stock of unused stationery like security papers, cheque books, demand draft book, etc have been produced for your physical verification and are in order
In connection with the Long Form Audit Report, complete information as regards each item in the questionnaire has been made available to you in order to enable you to verify the same for the purpose of your audit
Duly authenticated, information as regards other matters which, as per the bank’s letter of appointment, require certification have been made available to you
There is no enquiry going on or concluded during the year by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or any other Vigilance or Investigating Agency on the branch or on its employees and no cases of Frauds or of Misappropriation of Assets of the branch have come to the notice of the Management during the year other than for amounts for which provisions have already been made in the books of accounts
22. The provision for non–performing assets, depreciation, provision for income tax, provision for bonus, gratuity, etc is made at the Head Office. Therefore the same has not been provided in the branch accounts
23. There have been no irregularities involving management or employees who have a significant role in the system of internal control that could have a material effect on the financial statements
At the end of the year, the branch has translated its holdings of Foreign Deposit Accounts at a notional rate of Rs___ to
1 USD. The difference between the notional rate of Rs.___ and the actual rate as at the year end will be accounted for at the Head Office
The financial statements are free of material mis–statements, including omissions
The branch has complied with all aspects of contractual agreements that could have a material effect on the financial statements in the event of non–compliance. There has been no non–compliance with requirements of regulating authorities that could have a material effect on the financial statements in the event of non–compliance
We have no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities reflected in the financial statements
The other particulars required have already been given to you and particulars and other representations made to you from time to time are true and correct in all respects
The information required for the tax audit under section 44AB of the Income–tax Act, 1961 has been made available to you in order to enable you to verify the same for the purpose of your report thereon. In respect of the Tax Audit under section 44 AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 of _____________ branch of _______________ BANK for the year ended March 31, 2014, we certify the following:
29.1 Our Permanent Account No. is ______________
29.2 The address as per the jurisdiction of the assessee falls under section 124 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is ______________________
29.3 The status as defined under the Income Tax Act, 1961 is Company
29.4.There is no change in nature of business in current year as compared to preceding previous year
29.5.The books of accounts maintained by us have been correctly disclosed in clause 9(b) of Form 3CD
29.6.Our Profit & Loss account does not include profits and gains assessable on presumptive basis under section 44AD, 44AE, 44AF, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA, 44BBB, 172 of the Income–Tax Act, 1961
29.7.The method of accounting followed is as per clause 11(a) which has been consistently followed in the immediately preceding previous year. There was no change in the method of accounting employed vis–à–vis the method employed in the immediately preceding previous year
29.8. Sum received from employee towards contributions to any provident fund or super annuation fund or any other fund mentioned in section 2(24)(x) which is paid/ not paid within due dates to concerned authorities under section 36(1)(va) are mentioned in Clause 16 (b) of our Form 3CD and the same are correct
29.8.In Clause 17 of Form 3CD, there are no other amounts of such items debited to Profit & Loss Account
29.9.No payments are made to persons specified under section 40A(2)(b)
29.10.There is no amount of profit chargeable to tax u/s. 41 as disclosed under clause 20 of Form 3CD
29.11.Except for the items shown under clause 21 (ii) (B), no tax, duty or other sum as referred to u/s. 43B has been provided as at the year end.
29.12. No expenditure/ income of an earlier year has been debited/ credited to the Profit & Loss Account except to the extent disclosed under clause 22 (b) of Form 3CD
29.13.No loans or deposits of Rs.20,000 or more have been repaid in cash other than those specified in the statement of particulars as given in the respective clause of Form 3CD. The details of loans or deposits of Rs.20,000 or more given in the said statement of particulars is true and correct
29.14 .Section–wise details of deduction admissible under chapter VI–A
No other deductions other than those mentioned in clause 26 of Form 3CD is available to the branch
29.15.Details of delay in payment of tax deducted at source to the credit of the Central Government are given in the statement of particulars. Apart from that, there are no other delay in payment of Tax Deducted at Source
29.16.The other particulars required have already been given to you and particulars and other representations made to you from time to time are true and correct in all respects
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For & on behalf of
___________ branch of _______________
Authorised Signatory
Illustrative Format of Certificate w.r.t. Compliance/ Implementation Status of the Recommendations of the Ghosh and Jilani Committee
We have examined the attached Format of compliance/ implementation by _____________ (name of bank/ bank branch) with the recommendations of the Ghosh Committee relating to Frauds and Malpractices in Banks and Fomat of Progress in Implementation of Jilani Committee recommendations, as prepared by the management. The responsibility for compliance with/ implementation of the recommendations of the Ghosh and the Jilani Committees is that of the management of the ___________ (name of the bank/ bank branch). Our responsibility is to examine the report on the status of compliance therewith as contained in the attached Formats, as prepared by the management, thus far and no further.
We have not carried out an investigation into the status of compliance by/ implementation of the management with the recommendations of the Ghosh and Jilani Committees. Our examination is limited to inquiries and obtaining confirmations from the management and other appropriate persons and test checks of the attached status of recommendations.
Based on our above examination, subject to the matter highlighted below, we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanation given to us and as shown by the records examined by us, the attached Formats of compliance with the recommendations of the Ghosh and Jilani Committees, as prepared by the management is correct.
1. ………………………
2. ……………………….
For and behalf of
Chartered Accountants
(Name and Designation)
(Membership Number)
checklist for verification of advances & reporting in LFAR
1. In respect of common irregularities, the Auditors can give their comments borrower–wise in the LFAR in the format given hereunder:
Name of Borrower
Name of Branch
IRAC Status
Sanctioning Authority
Amount o/s. as at the year end
Irregularity No.
2. In respect of Column
9 above, “Irregularity No.”, the number as given in the “Glossary to Irregularities” in Point 4, under the head “Item”
below should be given for the irregularity applicable to respective borrower
In case the auditors feel that inspite of the list of irregularities given below, there are some other irregularities, which the auditor would like to bring to notice, the auditor may separately disclose under the given head by giving “appropriate number”
For the aforesaid purpose, “appropriate number” would mean, for example, if the auditors feels that in case of “Review/ Monitoring/ Supervision”, which has the number “4”, any additional irregularity has to be incorporated, he may give a number after the last number appearing in the list, such as “4.62”, and onwards. Similarly in case of “Credit
Appraisal” which has the number “1”, any additional irregularity may be given “1.19”, and so on
3. The borrower–wise details may be given in
descending order based on the Amount outstanding
Credit Appraisal
Loan application not on record at Branch
The appraisal form was not filled up correctly and thereby the appraisal and assessment was not done properly
Loan application is not in the form prescribed by Head Office
The Bank did not receive certain necessary documents and Annexures required with the application form
Basic documents such as Memorandum & Articles of Association, Partnership deed, etc., which are a pre–requisite to determine the status of the borrower, not obtained
Certain adverse features of the borrower not incorporated in the appraisal note forwarded to the management
Industry/ group exposure and past experience of the Bank is not dealt in the appraisal note sent to the management for sanction
The level for inventory/ book–debts/ creditors for finding out the working capital is not properly assessed
Techno–economic feasibility report, which is required to know the technical aspects of the borrower’s business, is not obtained from Technical Cell
Credit report on principal borrowers and confidential report from their banks are not insisted from the borrowers
The opinion reports of the associate and/ or sister concerns of the borrower are not scrutinised
The opinion reports of the associate and/ or sister concerns of the borrower are not called for
The opinion reports of the associate and/ or sister concerns of the borrower are not updated
The opinion reports of the associate and/ or sister concerns of the borrower are not satisfactory
The procedure/ instructions of head office regarding preparation of proposals for grant not followed
The procedure/ instructions of head office regarding preparation of proposals for renewal of advances not followed
The procedure/ instructions of head office regarding preparation of proposals for enhancement of limits, etc. not followed
No exposure limits are fixed for forward contract for foreign exchange sales/ purchase transactions
Sanctioning and disbursement
Credit facility sanctioned beyond the delegated authority or limit of the branch
Certain proposals were sanctioned pending approval of higher authorities wherever required
Ad–hoc limits were granted for which sanctions were pending since long
Facilities were disbursed before completion of documentation
Facilities were disbursed without following sanction terms
Facilities were disbursed without any sanction
Sanction letter was missing in the branch
Guarantor as required in the sanction letter was not obtained
Required promoters stake not invested before disbursement of loan
Sanctions were made without proper appraisal
Security charge not created before disbursement as required by sanction letter/renewed letter
Full disbursement of the facility not made
Sanction terms were not complied with or were not recorded
Disbursement Made without proper sanction
Term loan was disbursed by creating the cash credit or savings account of the borrower
330 The security against which the advance was sanction was not available/ was not on record
Mortgage for the property given as security is not created
Mortgage for the property given as security created, was inadequate, as compared to terms of sanction
Second charge as required, on assets is not created in favour of the bank
Documents of Second charge on assets is not on the record
Documents pertaining to registration of charges with ROC or any other concerned authority requiring charging of assets is not obtained
Copies evidencing lodgment of the original conveyance/ sale deeds with the Sub–Registrars for registration not on record
Authority letter/ Power of Attorney to the Bank to collect the original documents from the Sub–Registrar not on record
Documents pertaining to consortium advances not yet executed/ not available with bank
Documents signed by persons not duly authorised to sign or who have signed in other capacity accepted by the bank
Signatures of the executants were not found on all the pages of the documents
Some of the documents on record were blank, without signatures of Branch Manager, witnesses, or guarantors, etc
Revival letters in respect of documents to be reviewed from the borrowers not received
Guarantors have expired
Guarantors not on record
Guarantors not renewed
Guarantors not assigned
Worth of the Guarantors not available
Stamping not as per the amended Stamps Act
Documents have become mutilated, soiled, time barred or not obtained
Opinion report by the field officer for the borrowers not found on record
“Nil Encumbrance Certificate/s” or “No Dues Certificate/s” or “No lien Letters” not obtained for the mortgage/s
Advances for vehicle loans, Registration certificate, transfer certificate, etc. not obtained
Work completion certificate, sale deeds, share certificates in societies, etc. not on record for housing loans
Documents are not duly attested/ signed by concerned officials/not renewed
The agreements for hypothecation do not contain details regarding goods hypothecated
Copy of Bills/ receipts, on the basis of which the amount was disbursed not found on record. For e.g. Vehicle Loans, Plant & Machinery
Charge on main &/ or collateral securities not created in terms of sanction letter
Original security papers/ sale deed/ lease deed/title deed/ agreement of sale not available on record
TDR are not discharged or renewed
Control returns not sent to the H.O.
The branch has not taken any action for not compliance with terms of agreement
No documents executed for enhancement of limit/document not on record
ECGC Post shipment policy not obtained
Credit facility released without execution of all necessary documents
Common Seal not affixed on Letter of Comfort
Confirm orders for export credit not found on record for facilities released
Review/ Monitoring/ Supervision
The account is frequently overdrawn
The account is continuously overdrawn
The account is overdrawn and the branches have not taken sufficient steps to regularise the accounts promptly
The balance outstanding have exceeded the drawing power
Balance confirmation and acknowledgment of debt not obtained
The stock, book–debts statements not received regularly/ promptly
The FFI/ financial statements/audited statements/FFR 1 & 2/ other operational data, etc., not received regularly/ promptly
The stock, book–debts statements, etc., not scrutinised and no suitable action is taken
The FFI/ financial statements/ audited statements/FFR 1 & 2/ other operational data, etc., not received regularly/ promptly/ not scrutinised and no suitable action is taken
Non–moving stock is not deducted to arrive at the drawing power
The age–wise break–up of debtors is not found on record. The borrowers are allowed to draw money on entire outstanding debt, which must rather be for the recent debts as prescribed for particular industries and as per margin prescribed in the sanction letter
Wide discrepancies observed in the stock statements and stock figures in the annual audited financial statements
No penal interest has been charged for delay in submission of various statements as per the terms of agreement depending upon the type of loan/ credit availed by the borrower
Many branches have not adhered to the prescribed frequency of physical verification of securities given against loans & advances
Drawing power limits are not revised as per market value of shares for advances against security of shares
End–use of funds not ensured/ not known funds utilised for purpose other than for which granted
The projections submitted by the borrower stay far beyond the actual performance. Further, no explanation for the same is taken from the borrower
Major sale proceeds of the borrower not routed through the Bank
Audited statements of non–corporate borrowers having limit beyond Rs.10 lacs not received
Renewal proposals of advances not received on time and in many cases the limits are not renewed
Application of wrong rate of interest, processing charges, commission, other charges, etc. resulting in income leakage/ excess booking of interest of the Bank
Insurance cover for stock/ property is inadequate/ not on record/ not renewed/ not endorsed in favour of the Bank
Inspection/ physical verification of security charged, not been carried out
Expired bills/ foreign currency sight bills which are outstanding, have not been crystallized
EBW statements on write–off of overdue export bills of ECM not found on record
Confirmation as to genuineness of export transactions not obtained from Bank’s foreign offices/ correspondents/ customs department
Import credit, bill of entry evidencing import of goods not found
Documents are not obtained for bills discounted under Letter of Credit
Advances, which are eligible for whole turnover packing credit guarantee cover of ECGC, are not brought under its cover
Though government guaranteed accounts are irregular since long, the issue of invocation of guarantee does not seem to have been considered
Prescribed margins not maintained as per sanctions
Allocated limits, full terms of sanctions, stock statements, inspection reports, margin, etc. not available at monitoring branches
For allocated limits, inordinate delays were noticed in responding to transfer by the allocator branch
Regular meetings not held with other consortium members to review the performance of borrowers and to assess the current state of affairs/not been held as per norms
Individual members of the consortium are not advised about the quarterly operating limits/ D. P. allocated to each one of them
Minutes of the consortium meetings not found on record/not been held as per norms
Inspection report from the consortium members not obtained
The capital of the borrower has eroded/ networth is negative/ decreasing. Close monitoring needs to be done
The drawing power is calculated wrongly and/or hence the borrower is allowed to enjoy excess credit than actually eligible
Signboard of the bank is not displayed in godown, where the pledged/ hypothecated stock is stored
Limit not fully utilised by the borrower/No commitment charge is levied for the limit not fully utilised by the borrower
Loan against TDR/ STDR, which is matured, is neither renewed nor credited to loan account
The Stock and Debtors Audit Report not found on record. No audit has been done for accounts of the borrower
The valuation report in respect of tangible security from government approved valuer have not been obtained
Guarantees, Opinion Reports Financial statements, IT assessment orders and etc. of the guarantor are not found on record
Opinion report on guarantor is not obtained
For Small Government Sponsored loan accounts, security cover could not be ascertained since neither any record was available at branch nor physical verification conducted by the branch
Pre–sanctions and/or post–sanctions inspection reports were not on record
The account was overdue for repayment and/or no credit was received from the borrower for a long time
The borrower is absconding or deceased and legal formalities are incomplete and there is wilful default from the borrower. Either establishment was closed or security was disposed off or no action taken by the branch
Subsidy claim process was incomplete or subsidy was yet to be received or needs follow–up
Security disposed off/ Entity closed by borrower and no action taken by the branch
Irregularity not advised to controllers
Letter of subordination of deposits not taken
Secured and unsecured portion not segregated properly in advance return of the branch
Renewal of limits was done before the receipt of financial statements
Heavy cash withdrawal for which consent of corporate Guarantor is not taken
Proper valuation of stock not done/ needs critical scrutiny
Security obtained is inadequate/lower as compared to amount of outstanding/ no collateral security
The party was dealing with other bank also tough it was not permitted
Sticky accounts require close follow–up by the management
Bad and doubtful advances
The IRAC norms for classification of advances were not followed and the same is implemented through Memorandum of Changes by auditors during audit
Instalments were not received from the borrowers
Interest was not received from the borrowers
Legal action for recovery of advances was not taken although authorised by the Board/ Controlling Authority
Discontinuance of application of interest not followed although authorised by the Board/ Controlling Authority
Government guarantees have expired and fresh guarantees not obtained/not renewed
Terms of the BIFR scheme not complied
Payment from government not received although guarantees were unconditional, irrevocable and payable on demand
Delays in the settlement/ repayment in respect of sanctioned proposals
The repayment accepted in case of compromise cases inadequate vis–à–vis value of security
Compromise proposals pending at various levels where local government/ outside agencies are involved as guarantors
Copy of Search Report not on record
Decree awarded but no further steps taken for recovery
DI&CGC claims submitted/ rejected/ pending data not available
Irregular/ sticky advance not reported to the controlling authority promptly
Compromise/ OTS proposal is recommended and is under negotiation since long but not finalised. Suit is filed in the court/ DRT and pending to be finalized
ECGC claim not submitted/ lodged for recovery
Draft Bank Branch Audit Program for the year ended March 31, 2014
Name of the Bank
& Branch
Region/Zone in which the Branch is located
Date of Commencement
Target Date of Completion
Audit Team
- Partner/s In charge
Man Days
Man Days
Details of the Authorised Persons of the bank |
name and Contact Details Tel, Email ID
Normal Timing of Branch
Audit Aspects
Covered By Whom
Extent of Check
1.Engagement letter to the appointing authority and letter of requirement to the Branch.
2 Reporting to the Branch
3.Review of previous years audit report/ LFAR, current year internal audit report/ Revenue Audit Report/ Concurrent Audit Report/ RBI inspection Report and any other report and their compliance
4. Physical verification of cash, stationery, security papers & valuable securities.
5 Physical verification of Investments (obtain certificate from bank manager for the same)
6. Understand the system in CBS Branch
a) verify controls
b) start of day and end of day procedure
c) Verify exceptional report
7 Compliance of Bank circulars, Accounting policy as well as Mandatory Accounting standards/Auditing standards & RBI circulars.
8. Checking of various returns.
Checking of Balance Sheet Items
1. Checking of the advances:
i) Detailed checking of Forms classifying the advances
Critical review of all large advances
Classification of advances
Latest valuation of security given against advances
Provisions on NPA as per RBI guidelines
ii) Loan Accounts –
i) Review of all large advances with balance of lower of 5 % or Rs.2 crore of total advance
ii) Review of loans sanctioned during the year. Also verify all the credit card dues which are overdue.
iii) Review of other advances on test check basis.
iv) Review of adversely commented by Concurrent auditors, RBI/internal inspectors
v) Review of suit filed and decreed accounts and provision and progress thereof and Classification
vi) Review of Accounts Upgraded During the year from NPA to PA. Review of all accounts frequently exceeding limits/ DP.
1) Following aspects of the advances to be verified
Pre sanction:
System of credit Appraisal and review/renewal
Post sanction:
Compliance of terms of sanction, documentation, end use of funds
Monitoring: Stock & Book statements, drawing power, insurance, inspection of stock/security, operations in the account etc.
2) All the accounts verified in category (i) to (v) should be documented
2. Verify controls in respect of the following important items of assets.
(i) Dual custody of cash
(ii) Cash Physical verification records are maintained
(iii) ATM cash as per books and actual balance tallied at year end.
(iv) Custody and issue of cheques books/pay orders/ATM cards etc
3 Checking of balance books with ledgers (only in case of manual branches or manual records like for locker, PPF etc)
4. Checking of additions/deduction/transfers of fixed assets. Compliance of Accounting Standards AS-6, AS-10-, AS -26 , AS 28 all AS related to Fixed Asset
4a. Checking of Fixed Assets Schedule for furniture & fixtures and other assets
Reconciliation of accounts with other banks, head office and inter branch adjustment accounts
Study the balance transfer is done as per HO instructions and verify that HO queries on same are timely and correctly replied.
Detailed checking of Suspense accounts – credit as well as debit schedules. i.e. Nominal ledger Provisioning can be called for Old debits
7. Details of Bills Rediscounted/ Refinance obtained from IDBI, SIDBI, etc
Shares/Bonds/Securities held in safe custody on Banks Investment account
Balance Sheet Finalisation
1. Verifying
Balance Sheet figures with General Ledger
2. Casting of Balance Sheet and cross–checking with Balance Sheet schedules
3. Scrutiny of Balance sheet, particularly
i) that all the balances are shown in proper heads, to broadly compare previous year signed Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account and do variance analysis.
ii) check in case of advances:
a) that interest accrued but not due on loans is not included in advances and shown separately under other current assets.
b) that credit balances in O/D, C/C in–operative current accounts account's should not be netted off with advances and the same should be shown under demand deposits
iii) Check in case of deposits:
Verification of Anti Money Laundering guidelines and Compliance with KYC norms on test check basis
b) that overdue deposits, matured time deposits, cash certificates and certificates of deposits are shown in Demand deposits
c) Interest accrued but not due should not be included in deposits but, should be shown under other liability
d) Operation and conduct of Demat accounts.
4. Checking,
5. Inter Office Reconciliation Accounts
Verify Inter Branch Items In Transit
(IBIT) account for old
Compare on test Check basis, the balance and the entries in IOR Accounts with the copies of the daily statements submitted to the IOR department/s
Critically verify the
daily enquiry memos received from the respective IOR department/s for any old and odd items and action taken by the branch for the same
Old un-reconciled entries are being provided in books / reported to HO for provision.
Checking of Profit and Loss Items
1.Test checking of interest on deposits, (particularly, Interest checking should be done on Test basis for the period subsequent to the period of revenue/concurrent audit). Ensure that interest provision on overdue F.D. has been made as per latest RBI guidelines.
2. Test checking of interest/ commission/processing charges/commitment charges on various advances, bills, L.C., Guarantees etc
3.Test checking of discount/commission on bills discounted and others
4.Critical scrutiny of the Expenses/Income accounts and checking of important vouchers / authority levels are being followed properly.
5.Provision For Expenses, Accrued interest on deposits and advances. (Particularly check whether or not interest has been provided/ charged on all types of deposits/ advances
6. Checking of interest in NOSTRO Accounts debit balances
7.Verification of recovery on account of Locker Rent, Staff Accommodation etc with details of arrears, if any
8. Commission income on account of Government Business i.e. collection as well as remittance of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Excise Duty, etc Verify that RBI accounts are reconciled from time to time.
9. Details of Prior Period items of Income as well as expenses and complete details of provisions to be made, if any and same is disclosed separately
10. Rebate on Bills discounted. Check system of bank for broken period rebate at year end and verify that the same is correctly, uniformly followed in all such transactions.
11. Checking of Depreciation on Fixed Assets
12. Booking of Interest Income on account of partial recovery in NPA’s
k Loss Account Finalisation
1. Verification of P/L with Profit And Loss Ledgers
2.Casting of Profit and Loss Booklets and cross checking with Profit and Loss Account schedules
3.Profit & Loss Account Scrutiny
4.Ratio Analysis and comparative analysis with Previous years Figures
5. verify that the branch has followed accrual concept properly and accordingly expenses are provided in books.
1. Checking of statement of frauds
2.Checking of statement of claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt
3. Checking of Foreign Currency forward exchange contracts showing sales and purchase separately. Review of NRE and
FCNR accounts, if any
4.Checking of Guarantees given on behalf of Constituents
5.Checking of Acceptance, endorsements and other obligations i.e. L/C and Bills accepted by the Bank on behalf of customers
(Particularly check in case of clause 4 and 5 above, whether the above Guarantees and L/C issued are within the powers of the authorised person and proper procedures have been followed for issuing the same. Review the position of the above as at the year–end)
6.Other contingent liability, if any
7. Checking of and preparation of Interest Subsidy
8. Checking of write off proposal and DICGC
claims, sharing of recovery, etc
9. Checking of Annual returns on Protested Bills/ Recalled Debt Accounts
(PB/ RD)
10.Checking of LFAR schedules and preparation of LFAR. (Detailed planning for preparation of LFAR be done at the time of commencement of audit and detailed guidance be sought from the chapter on LFAR in this guidance note)
11.Checking of Tax Audit schedules and preparation of Tax Audit Report
12. Checking of service tax collected and paid,
Final Audit and Reporting
Preparation of Audit Report
2. Preparation of Memorandum of changes for changes to be made in classification of Advances and in any item of Asset/Liability and profit and loss account with other remarks and/ or information which requires further attention at Regional/Zonal Office level
3. Obtain detailed notes on above accounts
4. Preparation of Tax Audit Report.
5. Preparation of Long Form Audit Report.
To Collect the following Certificates
1. Physical verification of the fixed assets carried out on March 31, 2014 / During the year
2. Physical verification of the cash as on March 31, 2014
3. Physical verification of cash periodically by officers of Bank
4. Certificate from the Branch for the Persons attended the audit
5. Management Representation Letter/s
To verify and issue the following certificates
1.Certificate of Ghosh & Jilani committee
3.Cash on 12 odd dates.
4.Commitment Charges payable to IDBI/ SIDBI
5.Subsidy claims for Nov.’94 Riot affected borrowers
6.Interest Claim on FOCNA (FCNR) Deposits
7.Risk Weighted Assets for the Capital Adequacy
8.Certificate for treating an account as bad or doubtful of recovery as per the requirement of DI&CGC
9.Average month end Rural branch Advances
10.Subsidy Claim under Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna
The above audit program is illustrative and the members are advised to modify the same suitably to suit their requirement.
Documentation should be done to support the above audit programme.