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A. Accounting Standards (AS)

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B .Statements on Accounting

1.  Statement on Amendments to Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956.

C. Revised/New Standards on Auditing (SAs) issued by AASA

SA Effective Dates of Revised/New SAs

SQC 1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and 01/04/2009 Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements

200      Overall objectives of the Independent Auditor and the conduct         01/04/2010
            of an Audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing

210      Terms of Audit Engagements                                                       01/04/2010

220      Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements                        01/04/2010

230      Audit Documentation                                                                 01/04/2009

240      The Auditor’s Responsibility Relating to Fraud in an
            Audit of Financial Statements                                                    01/04/2009

250      Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of
           Financial Statements                                                                01/04/2009

260      Communication with those Charged with Governance                       01/04/2009

265      Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to
           those Charged with Governance and Management                           01/04/2010

299      Responsibility of Joint Auditors                                                     01/04/2009

300      Planning of Audit of Financial Statements                                       01/04/2008

315      Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
          through Understanding the Entity and its Environment                       01/04/2008

320      Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit                                 01/04/2010

330      The Auditor’s Response to Assessed Risks                                       01/04/2008

402      Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a
          Service Organisation                                                                    01/04/2010

450      Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit                      01/04/2010

500      Audit Evidence                                                                            01/04/2009

501      Audit Evidence – Specific Considerations for Selected Items                01/04/2010

505      External Confirmations                                                                  01/04/2010

510      Initial Audit Engagements – Opening Balances                                   01/04/2010

520      Analytical Procedures                                                                   01/04/2010

530      Audit Sampling                                                                            01/04/2009

540      Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair
           Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures                         01/04/2009

550      Related Parties                                                                            01/04/2010

560      Subsequent Events                                                                      01/04/2009

570      Going Concern                                                                             01/04/2009

580      Written Representations                                                                01/04/2009

600      Using the Work of Another Auditor                                                  Under the
                                                                                                    consideration of
                                                                                                           the Board

610      Using the work of an Internal Auditor                                              01/04/2010

620      Using work of an Auditor’s expert                                                   01/04/2012

700      Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements                  01/04/2012

705      Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report         01/04/2012

706      Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Order Matter
           Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report                                01/04/2011

710      Comparatives Information – Corresponding Figures
           and Comparative Financial Statements                                            01/04/2011

720      The Auditor’s Responsibility in Relation to Other
            Information in Documents Containing Audited
             Financial Statements                                                                01/04/2010

800      Special Consideration – Audits of Financial Statements
           Prepared in Accordance with Special Purpose Framework                  01/04/2011

805      Special Consideration – Audits of Single Financial Statements
           and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a
           Financial Statement                                                                    01/04/2011

810      Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements                 01/04/2011

SRE    Standards on Review Engagements

2400    Engagements to Review Financial Statements                                 01/04/2010

2410    Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by
           the Independent Auditor of the Entity                                           01/04/2010

Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial

SAE    Standards on Assurance Engagements

3400    The Examination of Prospective Financial Information                        01/04/2007

3402    Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organisation                   01/04/2011
          Related Services

SRS    Standards on Related Services

4400    Engagements to Perform Agreed-upon Procedures                            01/04/2004
           Regarding Financial Information

4410    Engagements to Compile Financial Information                                 01/04/2004

D. Statements on Auditing

1.Statement on Auditing Practices

2.Statement on Qualifications in Auditor’s Report

3.Statement on CARO 2003

4.Statement of payments to Auditors for other services

5.Statement on responsibility of Joint Auditors

E.   Guidance Notes      

1.Guidance Note on Tax Audit u/s 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961

2.Guidance Notes on Accounting Aspects

•   Guidance Note on Turnover in case of Contractors

•   Guidance Note on Applicability of Accounting Standard (AS)- 25 to Interim Financial Results

•   Guidance Note on Remuneration paid to key management personnel – Whether a related party transaction

•   Guidance Note on Applicability of Accounting Standard (AS) – 20, Earnings Per Share

•   Guidance Note on Terms used in Financial Statements

•   Guidance Note on Treatment of Reserves created on Revaluation of Fixed Asset

•   Guidance Note on Accrual Basis of Accounting

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Depreciation for Companies

•   Guidance Note on Some Important Issues arising from the Amendments in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956

•   Guidance Note on Availability of Revaluation Reserve for Issue of Bonus Shares 

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Leases

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Corporate Dividend Tax

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Treatment of Excise Duty

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Dot Com Companies

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Employee Share Based Payments

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for State Level Value Added Tax

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Fringe Benefits Tax

•   Guidance Note on Accounting by Schools

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Credit available in respect of Minimum Alternative Tax under the Income-tax Act, 1961

•   Guidance Note on recognition of Revenue by Real Estate Developers

•   Guidance Note on Accounting on Measurement of Income Tax for Interim Financial Reporting in the context of AS 25

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for MODVAT/CENVAT

•   Guidance Note on Accounting of Self-Generated Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) (Issued 2012)

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Rate Regulated Activities

•   Guidance Note on Accounting for Real Estate Transaction (Revised 2012)

3.Guidance Notes on Auditing Aspects

•   Audit of Abridged Financial Statements

•   Audit of Accounts of Non-Corporate Entities

•   Audit of Cash and Bank Balances

•   Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements

•   Audit of Debtors, Loans & Advances

•   Audit of Expenses

•   Audit of Fixed Asset

•   Audit of Investments

•   Audit of Liabilities

•   Audit of Miscellaneous Expenditure (Revised)

•   Audit of Payment of Dividend

•   Audit of Revenue

•   Audit Reports and Certificates for Special Purposes

•   Audit of Accounts of Liquidators

•   Auditor’s Report on Revised Accounts of Companies Before Circulation to Share holders

•   Capital & Reserves

•   Certificate on Corporate Governance

•  Certificate to be issued by the Auditor of a Company pursuant to Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1973

•   Certificate of Documents for Registration of Charges

•   Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs)

•   Duty Cast on the Auditors u/s 45-MA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

•   Independent of Auditors (Revised)

•   Preparation of Financial Statements on Letterheads and Stationery of Auditors

•   Provision for Proposed Dividend

•   Reports of the Audit Report

•   Revision/Rectification of Financial Statements

•   Sections 227(3)(e) and (f) of the Companies Act , 1956 (Revised)

•   Section 293A of the Companies Act and the Auditor

•   Special considerations in the Audit of Small Entities

•   Audit of Property, Plant & Equipment

•   Certification of XBRL Financial Statements 4   Industry Specific Guidance Notes

•   Audit of Banks (Revised 2011) edition

•   Audit of Members of Stock Exchanges (Revised)

•   Audit of Companies Carrying on General Insurance Business

•   Audit of Companies Carrying on Life Insurance Business.

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