The Listing Agreement [LA] entered
into by listed companies with stock exchange(s) [SEs] requires under clause 41
publishing of quarterly/half-yearly results by listed companies. The
requirements are listed hereunder :
1) Quarterly Results [QR]
a) A company shall publish unaudited
financial results on quarterly basis as per proforma
given hereafter within one month of the end of the quarter to the SEs and
immediately after market hours on the date of Board Meeting
b) The results shall also be published in a
daily newspaper with national circulation and in one regional
c) The results shall be signed by the
d) At least 7 days before the Board Meeting,
the company shall inform the SEs about the Board Meeting
e) Any change of name in the company
suggesting new line of business should disclose the turnover and income, etc.
from the new activities separately for 3 years from the date of name change
f) The unaudited results should not
substantially differ from the audited results by 20% otherwise reasons for the
difference should be explained to the SEs
g) Unaudited QR for the last quarter need
not be published if the company informs the SE in advance that it will publish
audited results within 3 months from the end of the accounting year of the
company h) The QR shall be prepared on the basis of accrual accounting policy and in accordance with uniform accounting practices adopted for all the periods on quarterly basis i)With effect from quarter ending on or
after June, 2003 the QR shall be subjected to Limited Review by the auditors.
j) The format of limited review report
(LRR) is given hereafter.
k) The LRR shall be submitted to the SEs
within 2 months of the close of the quarter."
l) The company will have the option to
publish consolidated quarterly financial results in addition to the unaudited
quarterly financial results of the parent company as required under this clause
m) The company will publish its Annual
Results in the same format as prescribed for quarterly results in this clause
2) Half-Yearly Results [HYR]
a) The HYR shall be in the same format as
the QR and shall be subject to limited review by the auditors [discussed
b) The format of limited review report [LRR]
is given hereafter
c) The LRR shall be submitted to the SEs
within 2 months of the end of the half-year
d) The QR of the 2 quarters contained in the
half-year should not vary more than 20% of its sum total otherwise a statement
of reasons should be sent to the SEs
e) To the extent possible, requirements in
items relating to QR shall apply to HYR also. FORMAT
I (Rs. In lakhs)
in case of consolidated results.
Note The classification/disclosure of
items in the financial results shall be in accordance with the Revised Schedule
VI of the Companies Act, 1956. Further to the above, profit/loss from
discontinuing operations, if any, included in the above shall be disclosed with
details thereof. |