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MINIMUM ALTERNATE TAX (MAT) and Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT)


  • 1. In the case of companies, if tax payable on its total income as computed under the I.T. Act, 1961 in respect of any previous years, is less than 18.5% of its "book profit", then such book profit shall be deemed to be the total income of the company and tax shall be payable at 18.5% on such total income.
    The profit and loss account should be prepared in accordance with Parts II and III of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956.
    The Accounting Policies, the Accounting Standards adopted for preparing such accounts and the method and rates adopted for calculating the depreciation, shall be the same as have been adopted for the purpose of preparing such accounts and laid before the company at its AGM.
    From assessment year 2013-14 onwards, Section 115JB will be applicable even to companies that are not required under section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956 to prepare their profit and loss account in accordance with schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956. The profit and loss account prepared in accordance with Regulatory Act governing such companies, would be taken as basis for computing book profit under section 115JB.

  • "Book Profit" means the net profit as shown in the profit and loss account, as increased by –

    1. a. the amount of income-tax paid or payable, and the provision therefor; or

      b. the amounts carried to any reserves, by whatever name called other than a reserve specified under section 33AC; or

      c. the amount or amounts set aside to provisions made for meeting liabilities, other than ascertained liabilities; or

      d. the amount by way of provision for losses of subsidiary companies; or

      e. the amount or amounts of dividends paid or proposed; or

      f. the amount or amounts of expenditure relatable to any income to which section 10 [other than the provisions contained in section 10(38) or section 10A or section 10B or section 11 or section 12 apply];

      g. the amount of depreciation;

      h. the amount of deferred tax and provision therefor;

      i. the amount or amounts set aside as provision for diminution in the value of any asset (w.r.e.f. assessment year 2001-02);

      j. the amount standing in revaluation reserve relating to revalued asset on the retirement or disposal of such asset, (w.e.f. assessment year 2013-14)

    if any amount referred to in clauses (a) to (i) is debited to the profit and loss account or if any amount referred to in clause (j) is not credited to the profit and loss account, and as reduced by –

      i. The amount withdrawn from any reserve or provision, if any such amount is credited to the profit and loss account subject to the proviso stated in the section; or

      ii. Incomes exempt under any of the provisions of section 10 [other than the provisions contained in section 10(38)] or section 10A or 10B or section 11 or section 12 apply, if any such income is credited to the profit and loss account; or

        a. The amount of depreciation debited to profit and loss account (excluding the depreciation on account of revaluation of assets); or

        b. The amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve and credited to profit and loss account, to the extent it does not exceed the amount of depreciation on account of revaluation of assets referred to in clause (iia); or

      iii. The amount of loss brought forward or unabsorbed depreciation, whichever is less as per books of account.

      However, for the purpose of this clause –

        a. the loss shall not include depreciation;

        b. the provisions of this clause shall not apply if the amount of loss brought forward or unabsorbed depreciation is nil;

      iv. The amount of profits eligible for deduction under section 80HHC.

      v. The amount of profits eligible for deduction under section 80HHE.

      vi. The amount of profits eligible for deduction under section 80HHF.

      vii. The amount of profits of sick industrial company during the years in which such company has become sick industrial company under the provisions of Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985.

      viii. The amount of deferred tax, if any such amount is credited to profit & loss account. (w.r.e.f. assessment year 2001-02).

    ["Income tax" as referred to in (a) above will include:

    1. Any tax on distributed profits under section 115-O or on distributed income under section 115R

    2.  Any interest charged under the Act

    3. Surcharge, if any, levied by the Central Acts from time to time

    4. Education Cess on income tax, if any, levied by the Central Acts from time to time

    5. Secondary and Higher Education Cess on income tax, if any, levied by the Central Acts from time to time]

3. Provisions shall not affect carried forward of depreciation and losses under the applicable provisions mentioned in sub-section (3) of section 115JB.

4. Profits of an Entrepreneur in SEZ or Developer of SEZ liable for MAT from assessment year 2012-13.

5. Tax paid under section 115JB for A.Y. 2006-07 and any subsequent year would be allowed as a credit from the normal tax payable for any subsequent year in accordance with the provisions contained in section 115JAA for 7 assessment years (up to assessment year 2009-10) and for 10 assessment years from assessment year 2010-11.

6. A report in prescribed form (Form No. 29B, Rule 40B) from an accountant as defined in the section 288 shall be furnished along with the return of income.

7. In case of conversion of a private company or unlisted public company into Limited Liability Partnership, Mat credit of erstwhile company will not be allowed to the successor Limited Liability Partnership.

Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT)

Applicability (Ss.115JC, 115JD, 115JEE, 115JF, Rule 40BA)

  1. Limited Liability Partnership claiming deduction under sections 10AA and from Section 80H to Section 80RRB (w.e.f.FY 2011-12).

  2. Individual, HUF, AOP, BOI Artificial Juridical Person claiming deduction under section 10AA and from Section 80H to Section 80RRB (excluding Section 80P) and adjusted total income (ATI) exceeds ` 20 lakh (w.e.f. FY 2012-13).

Rate of tax - please click here.

Steps in computing AMT

  1. Compute total income without giving effect of Chapter XII-BA

  2. Compute Adjusted Total Income (for computation see below)

  3. Compute tax on total income (computed in (i) above) as per normal rates and on ATI (computed in (ii) above) at specified rate.

  4. In case tax on total income is equal or more than tax on ATI, AMT is not applicable. However in case tax on ATI is more than tax on total income, ATI would be deemed to be Total income and it would be liable to tax at the rate of 19.055%

  5. If provisions of AMT are applicable, obtain report of accountant in Form No. 29C certify computation of ATI and AMT.

Computation of Adjusted Total Income

a. Limited Liability Partnership

Total income (without considering provision of AMT) increased by (i) income based deductions claimed under any sections of Chapter VI-A Part C i.e. from 80H to 80RRB and (ii) deduction claimed under section 10AA i.e. units established in Special Economic Zones

b. Individual, HUF, AOP, BOI, Artificial Juridical Person

Total income (without considering provision of AMT) as increased by (i) income based deductions claimed under any section of chapter VI-A Part C ie from section 80H to Section 80RRB (excluding Section 80P) and (ii) deduction claimed under section 10AA ie units established in Special Economic Zones

In case ATI is below `20 lakhs AMT is not applicable.

Tax credit

Amount of AMT paid over the normal income tax payable for that year is allowed as tax credit. Such tax credit shall be allowed to be carried forward up to 10 subsequent assessment years.

Set off of Tax credit

Set off of tax credit is allowed in the assessment year in which normal tax payable by such non-corporate assessee exceeds AMT. Set off of Tax credit would be, up to the amount of tax which is in excess of AMT and balance of the tax credit which remains unabsorbed would be allowed to set off in subsequent years.

Other points

The tax credit shall vary with the subsequent change in regular income tax on AMT as a result of any order passed under this Act. Further, it has been provided that no interest shall be payable to tax credit allowed.

It is also provides that AMT credit shall be reduced from tax on total income determined as per the provisions of Act, for the purposes of determining interest u/s 234A -late filing of return of income, u/s 234B interest for default in payment of advance tax and u/s 234C deferment of advance tax. It is specifically provided that all other provisions of the Act shall apply to such non-corporate assessee liable for AMT.


AMT differs from MAT on various counts; some of them are as under:

Sl. No.





Applies to


Persons other than Companies


Trigger point

Having book-profit

Claiming specified deductions


Computation mode

Book-profit is adjusted with specified adjustment

Total income is increased by specified deduction


Preparation of profit & loss Accounts

Companies are required to prepare profit & loss account as per the provision of Schedule VI

No such legal requirement


Allowance of depreciation

Depreciation is to be calculated at th rate specified under Schedule XIII of Companies Act

Depreciation is to be calculated at the rate specifled under rule 5 of Income-tax rules


Treatment of brought forward losses & depreciation

Lower of brought forward losses orde brought forward depreciationas per books is allowed to be deducted from book-profit

Both brought forward loss and well as (determined as per income-tax provisions), to be deducted before carrying specified adjustment to total income


Long term capital gains exempt u/s 10(38)

MAT is applicable

AMT is not applicable

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