1. Search and
Power to carry out search under section 132 and survey under section 133A are
important tools in the armoury of the Income–tax department for detecting and
preventing tax evasion. Though the need to have such tools cannot be grudged, the
department has to use it sparingly and in deserving cases and after complying with
necessary guidelines and safeguards. A search is violation of personal privacy and
rights of a citizen and its use should only be in rarest of rare cases.
2. Search and
Seizure u/s 132
2.1 Meaning
‘Search’ means a thorough inspection of the building, place, vehicle,
vessel, aircraft and of the person.
‘Seizure’ means taking possession under the authority of law.
2.2 Powers in exercise of
The Income-tax Act gives very wide powers to an authorised officer to
carry out the search and also to seize documents and unaccounted assets. The
authorised officer has the power to:
To enter and
search any building, place, etc. where he has reason to suspect that books of
account, other documents, money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable article or
thing representing undisclosed income is kept;
To break open
the locks, where the keys thereof are not available;
To carry out
personal search of the person who is suspected to have secreted some item as
mentioned in a) above;
Seize the
items as mentioned in a) above;
Place marks
of identification and take extracts or copies of the books of account and other
documents; and
Make a
note or inventory of the valuables found during the search.
The authorised officer is also permitted to pass orders placing prohibition on the
person in possession or control of the valuable article or thing from removing,
parting with or otherwise dealing with such article or thing without prior
permission. The authorised officer also has the right to demand the services of any
Police officer or any officer of the Central Government.
2.2.1 With effect from 1st June, 2003, law has been
amended by Finance Act, 2003, whereby the authorised officer cannot seize
stock-in-trade of a business and he can only make a note of inventory of such
stock-in-trade. Irrespective of nature of business and stock held for such business
whether it is jewellery, bullion or any other valuable article or thing, if such
material is held by person searched as stock-in-trade of his business, the same
cannot be seized. Also, bar on seizure applies irrespective of whether the person
searched is able to explain the source of acquisition of such stock; in common
parlance, whether stock is disclosed or undisclosed is immaterial and the same cannot
be seized in any circumstance. However, restriction on seizure of stock-in-trade
applies only to valuables and not cash. Unaccounted cash, even if forming part of
stock-in-trade of business for an assessee, say carrying on money lending business,
can be seized, if other conditions are satisfied.
2.3 Circumstances in which
search can be carried out
The powers of search can be exercised when the authorised officer has reason to
believe that:
any person
has omitted or failed to produce books of account or documents as required by any
summons or notice issued,
any person to
whom, when so summoned to produce the documents, etc., will not or would not produce
books of account or documents,
any person is
in possession of money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable article or thing
representing, income or property which has not been disclosed or would not be
disclosed for purposes of the Income-tax Act.
2.4 Who can authorise search
The authorisation to carry out the search can be given by the Director General,
Director of Income Tax, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and Commissioner of Income
Tax only.
2.5 Authority who can execute
and carry out search
However, the search warrant can be executed by a Joint Director, Joint
Commissioner, Assistant Director or Deputy Director, Assistant Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner or Income Tax Officer and they can be authorised to carry out actual
search and seizure.
2.6 Guidelines for seizure of jewellery and ornaments in course of search
The CBDT has vide instruction No. 1916 dated 11th May, 1994, issued
guidelines for seizure of jewellery and ornaments in course of search. The said
guidelines, which is reported in (1994) 120 Taxation (St.) 98, is reproduced
‘Instances of seizure of jewellery of small quantity in course of operations
under section 132 have come to the notice of the Board. The question of a common
approach to situations where search parties come across items of jewellery, has been
examined by the Board and following guidelines are issued for strict
In the
case of a wealth-tax assessee, gold jewellery and ornaments found in excess of the
gross weight declared in the wealth-tax return only need be seized.
In the case of a
person not assessed to wealth-tax, gold jewellery and ornaments to the extent of 500
gms. per married lady, 250 gms. per unmarried lady and 100 gms. per male member of
the family, need not be seized.
The authorised officer
may, having regard to the status of the family and the custom and practices of the
community to which the family belongs and other circumstances of the case, decide to
exclude a larger quantity of jewellery and ornaments from seizure. This should be
reported to the Director of Income-tax/Commissioner authorising the search at the
time of furnishing the search report.
In all cases, a detailed
inventory of the jewellery and ornaments found must be prepared to be used for
assessment purposes.
These guidelines may please be brought to the notice of all the officers in your
3. Power of Survey
– Section 133A
3.1 Introduction
The powers under provisions of survey, though not very wide as powers of search,
are wide enough to effectively detect evasion of tax on income earned. The
preconditions which need to be satisfied by the Income Tax Authority before
exercising the power of survey are limited.
3.2 Extent of powers of
An income-tax authority can exercise following powers during survey:
inspect books of account and other documents,
To place marks of
identification on books of account or documents examined,
To make extracts or
copies of books of account or documents,
To impound books of
account or other documents. However, the same cannot be retained beyond ten working
days without prior approval of Chief Commissioner of Income Tax or Director General.
Though the survey party can visit during survey only a place of business, but if
the party surveyed states that any books or other things relating to business are
kept at a place other than place of business, then power to visit and survey such
place is also available to the officers carrying out survey.
3.3 Whether books, cash,
valuables, etc. can be seized or impounded during survey
By Finance Act, 2002, law has been amended to empower the Income-tax Authority to
impound and retain in his custody books of account or other documents inspected by
him during survey, after recording his reasons for doing so. However the power to
impound is restricted to only books and documents and does not extend to cash,
valuables and other assets found. Further, books of account and documents so
impounded cannot be retained beyond ten working days without obtaining prior approval
from Chief Commissioner of Income Tax or the Director General.
3.4 Presumption in respect of
seized/found books of account, documents, etc.
According to S. 292C of the Act, where any books of account, other documents,
money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable articles are found in the possession of
any person during a search, it is presumed that such documents, etc. belong to that
person. This presumption is rebuttable.
This section has been amended retrospectively w.e.f. 1-6-2002 to provide that such
presumption will also apply in respect of books of account, documents, etc. in the
possession or control of any person in the course of Survey operation u/s 133A. This
presumption is also extended to books of account, documents etc. delivered to the
requisition officer u/s 132A. This amendment is effective retrospectively from
3.5 Authority who can carry
out survey
Provisions relating to survey have been amended by Finance Act, 2003 w.e.f.
1-6-2003. Earlier no prior approval or authorisation was needed to carry out a survey
and an assessing officer could himself have carried out survey at place of business
of his assessee without any authorisation from his superior officers. With effect
from 1st June, 2003, an Assessing Officer or a Tax Recovery Officer or an Inspector
of Income Tax or Assistant Director or an Deputy Director cannot carry out survey
without obtaining prior approval from the Joint Commissioner or the Joint Director.
4. It is important to note
that under neither the provisions of search nor of survey, there is power to arrest
the assessee for offence, if any, of concealment of income.
5. Recording of
statements u/ss 131 and 132(4)
The authorised officer has the right to examine on oath any person who is found to
be in possession of books of account, etc. or valuable article or thing. A statement
on oath may be used as evidence in any proceedings under the Act.
Recently a circular has been issued directing officers carrying out search to
desist from recording confessional statements offering income in such statements. (F.
No. 286/2/2003-IT [Inv] dt. 10-3-2003)
6. Charter of
Rights and Duties of Persons searched
The following is the Charter of rights and duties of persons searched which has
been reported in [1994] 208 ITR (St) 5.
6.1 Rights of the person
see the warrant of authorisation duly signed and sealed by the issuing authority.
verify the identity of each member of the search party before the start of the search
and on conclusion of the search.
insist on personal search of ladies being taken only by a lady, with strict regard to
have at least two respectable and independent residents of the locality as witnesses.
lady occupying an apartment being searched has a right to withdraw before the search
party enters, if, according to custom, she does not appear in public.
call a medical practitioner in case of emergency.
allow the children to go to school, after checking their bags.
have the facility of having meals, etc., at the normal time.
inspect the seals placed on various receptacles, sealed in course of search and
subsequently at the time of reopening of the seals.
Every person who is examined under section 132(4) has a right to ensure that the
facts so stated by him have been recorded correctly.
have a copy of the panchanama together with all the annexures.
have a copy of any statement that is used against him by the Department.
have inspection of the seized books of account, etc., or to take extracts therefrom
in the presence of any of the authorised officers or any other person empowered by
make an application objecting to the approval given by the Commissioner of Income-tax
for retention of books and documents beyond 180 days from the date of the seizure.
6.2 Duties of the person
allow free and unhindered ingress into the premises.
see the warrant of authorisation and put signature on the same.
identify all receptacles in which assets or books of account and documents are kept
and to hand over keys to such receptacles to the authorised officer.
identify and explain the ownership of the assets, books of account and documents
found in the premises.
identify every individual in the premises and to explain their relationship to the
person being searched. He should not mislead by impersonation. If he cheats by
pretending to be some other person or knowingly substitutes one person for another,
it is an offence punishable under section 416 of the Indian Penal Code.
Not to allow or encourage the entry of any unauthorised person into the premises.
Not to remove any article from its place without notice or knowledge of the
authorised officer. If he secretes or destroys any document with the intention of
preventing the same from being produced or used as evidence before the court or
public servant, he shall be punishable with imprisonment or fine or both, in
accordance with section 204 of the Indian Penal Code.
answer all queries truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. He should not allow
any third party to either interfere or prompt while his statement is being recorded
by the authorised officer. In doing so, he should keep in mind that –
he refuses to answer a question on a subject relevant to the search operation, he
shall be punishable with imprisonment of fine or both, under section 179 of the
Indian Penal Code.
Being legally bound by an oath or affirmation to state the truth, if he makes a false
statement, he shall be punishable with imprisonment or fine or both under section 181
of the Indian Penal Code.
Similarly, if he provides evidence which is false and which he knows or believes to
be false, he is liable to be punished under section 191 of the Indian Penal Code.
affix his signature on the recorded statement, inventories and the panchanama.
ensure that peace is maintained throughout the duration of the search, and to
co-operate with the search party in all respects so that the search action is
concluded at the earliest and in a peaceful manner.
Similar co-operation should be extended even after the search action is over, so as
to enable the authorised officer to complete necessary follow-up investigations at
the earliest.
7. Do’s and
Don’ts for assessees
Return of
income should be filed within the time limit prescribed.
Copies of
returns of income filed should be properly documented. Though your tax representative
may be having and maintaining complete tax records, it is necessary that a copy of
income tax and wealth tax returns filed are kept at office premises and in case of
individuals, it should also be maintained at residence for all family members.
Books of account are maintained properly and up to date.
You may be
called upon to explain any document, loose papers, etc. found during search or
survey. As such,
care should be taken to maintain papers in proper manner.
made in assets should be properly accounted and supporting evidence should be
available to substantiate the investment made.
Ornaments belonging to different members of the family should be kept separately. It
is advisable to keep lists of the ornaments of each person and also where the
ornaments are kept. Valuation report of a jeweller can be obtained. Also Tax records
substantiating such ownership should be available at residence.
recorded at the time of search are very crucial. The person making statement is
advised to state truly, correctly, fully and completely. Reply should not be vague or
evasive. One should be very cautious and careful
while answering the question and the person should not panic.
necessary co-operation should be made with the authorised officers. As per amendment
made by the Finance Act, 2002, if a person who is required to afford the authorised
officer the necessary facility to inspect the books of account or other documents
maintained in electronic form, fails to afford such facility to the authorised
officer, he shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.
8. The Survey
Party to give details of Senior Officers to the Assessee before start of Survey
The Survey Party is required to give name, address and phone numbers of the Chief
Commissioner of Income Tax, Commissioner of Income Tax, Additional Commissioner of
Income Tax to the assessee who is under Survey. This transparency will enable the
party to speak to senior officer in case of any pressure or coercion during the