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Section  Subject matter  Who can rectify Time limit What can be rectified Remarks 
  1. any order passed under the IT Act 
  2. intimation or deemed intimation u/s. 143(1)
  3. intimation u/s 200A(1) 
An Income Tax Authority (S. 116)

4 years from the end of the financial year in  which order/intimation was passed.

Any mistake apparent from the record.
  1. An appeal lies against rectification orders.
  2. An appeal lies against refusal to rectify the mistake.
  3. Regarding disallowance u/s. 43B for want of proof with return,refer Cir. No. 669 dt. 25.10.1993 and Cir. No. 688 dt. 23.8.1994.
  4. Rectification order having effect of enhancing liability or reducing refund  could be passed only after notice of hearing to the assessee.
  5. Application made on or after 1.6.2001 shall be disposed of withinsix months from the end of the month in which the application is received by the Authority.
254(2) Any order passed by ITAT ITAT 4 years from the dateof the order. — do —              1, 2, & 3  stated above are not applicable.
  1. is same as stated above. 
  2. Application filed on or after 1.10.1998 shall be accompanied by a fee of ` 50.
  3. Failure to consider relevant decision of the Apex Court and the  jurisdictional  HC constitutes mistake apparent, and requires rectification u/s 254(2). (M/s R J ROLLER FLOUR MILL PVT LTD v. ITO) (2011-TIOL-208-ITAT-LKW)




Appeal to


Filing Time Limit




Form No.










30 days 


A. Court fee stamp of 50 paise on Form No. 35 and of 65 paise on copy of Assessment Order.

B. Appeal fees :

a) ` 250 - 
i) where assessed total  income is ` 1 lakh or less;

ii) where appeals are filed on issues such as TDS defaults, non-filing of returns, etc. which cannot be linked with the assessed income.

b)` 500, where assessed total income is more than ` 1 lakh but not more than ` 2 lakhs.

c) ` 1,000, where assessed total income is more than ` 2 lakhs.




  1. Form No. 35 – in duplicate.

  2. Order appealed against – 2 copies –certified.

  3. Grounds of Appeal and Statement of Facts (in duplicate).

  4. Notice of Demand (original).

  5. In case of appeal against penalty order - 2 copies of relevant assessment order. Counterfoil of challan of appeal fees.


1 Person authorised to signre turn of income u/s. 140, must sign appeal form.

2 Appealable orders are listed under the relevant section.

3 Tax on returned income should be paid before filing the appeal.

4 Where the assessee has not filed return of income the amount of advance-tax payable should be paid before filing the appeal. Commissioner (Appeals) may for any good and sufficient reason, to be recorded in  writing, exempt the assessee from operation of this condition.

5 If the delay in presenting the appeal is for a sufficient cause, CIT(A) has a power to condone the delay and admit the appeal.






60 days


Appeal fees :

A. ` 500 —
a) where assessed total income is ` 1 lakh or less.

b) where appeals are filed on issues such as TDS defaults, non-filing of returns, etc. which cannot be linked with the assessed income.

c) An application for stay of demand.

B. ` 1,500, if assessed income is above ` 1 lakh but not more than ` 2 lakhs.

C. 1% of the assessed income subject to maximum of ` 10,000 where assessed income is more than ` 2 lakhs.

D. For appeals against penalty orders see Bidyut Kumar Sett vs. ITD 92 ITD 148 (SB).



  1. Form No. 36 — in triplicate.

  2. Order appealed against — 2copies (including one certified copy).

  3. Order of Assessing Officer — 2 copies.

  4. Grounds of appeal before First Appellate
    Authority —2 copies.

  5. Statement of facts filed before First Appellate
    Authority — 2 copies.

  6. In case of appeal against penalty order - 2 copies of relevant  assessment order.

  7. In case of appeal against order u/s. 143(3) read with S. 144A — 2 copies of the directions of the Deputy Commissioner u/s. 144A.

  8. In case of appeal against order u/s. 143 read with S. 147 – 2 copies of original assessment order, if any.

  9. Counterfoil of challan for payment of appeal fees.


  1. Person authorised to sign return of income u/s. 140, must sign appeal form.

  2. Appealable orders are listed under the relevant section.

  3. If the assessed income is a loss then fees has to be calculated as if that loss is income.

  4. Departmental appeals will henceforth be filed only in cases where the tax effect exceeds the revised monetary limits as under:—

ITAT                      ` 300000

260A – High Court     ` 1000000

Supreme Court           ` 2500000

For the purpose of computing the monetary limits stated tax will not include any interest thereon, except where chargeability of interest itselfis the issue under dispute.In cases where returned loss is reduced or assessed as income, thetax effect would include notional tax on disputed additions.In case of penalty orders, the tax effect will mean quantum of penaltydeleted or reduced in the order to be appealed against.Tax effect shall be calculated separately for every assessment yearin respect of the disputed issues in the case of every assessee.The tax effect is to be seen with reference to relevant assessment year. However, in case of a composite order of any High Court or Appellate Authority, which involves more than one assessment year and common issues in more than one assessment year, appeal shall be filed in respect of all such assessment years even if the ‘tax effect’ is less than the prescribed monetary limits in any of the year(s), if it is decided to file appeal in respect of the year(s) in which ‘tax effect’ exceeds monetary limit prescribed.In case where a composite order / judgment involves more than one assessee, each assessee shall be dealt with separately.[F. No. 279/Misc/142/2007-ITJ] dated 9.2.2011.



ITAT (Cross objection)



30 days NIL




Same as above (Except instead of Form 36, Form 36A). 


The Assessee/A.O. (who may or may not have filed appeal) may file the cross objections. No fees payable.


254(2A)with effect from 1-10-2008 










  1. Stay application in triplicate.

  2. Copy of demand notice.

  3. Copies of correspondence with revenue authorities.

  4. Copy of letter refusing stay of demand.

  5. Application shall be supported by an affidavit duly sworn in by the applicant or his authorised agent.

  6. Counterfoil of challan for payment of fee.


  1. Application shall be presented by the applicant in person or by his authorised agent or by registered post to the Bench of the Tribunal where appeal was filed or which has got jurisdiction to hear the appeal

  2. The stay granted by the Tribunal shall be valid only for 180 days from the date of
    such order and the Tribunal shall dispose of the appealwithin the said period of stay.The period of stay can be extended on an application by the assessee, if ITAT is satisfied that the delay in disposing of the appeal is not attributable to the assessee. However total period of stay will not exceed 365 days w.e.f. 1-4-2007 after 365 days stay shall stand vacated even if the delay in disposing of the appeal is not attributable to the assessee.

  3. Filing fee for a stay petition to ITAT is ` 500.



High Court


120 days


As per the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the amount of fees will depend upon the statute of the State in which the appeal is being filed. The fees are to be paid by way of purchase of judicial stamp papers of the respective State in which the appeal is to be filed.


Memorandum of Appeal


  1. Appeal Memo stating the substantial questionof law.

  2. Order of ITAT.

  3. Grounds of Appeal filed before ITAT.

  4. Order of CIT(A).

  5. Grounds of Appeal and Statement of Facts filed before CIT(A).

  6. Order of Assessing Officer.


  1. Appeal can be filed by the CCIT or CIT or an assessee who is aggrieved by any order passed by TAT.

  2. Appeal lies only if HC is satisfied that the case involves a substantial question of law.

  3. Delhi High Court has in the case of Chamanlal Mehta vs. CIT (112 Taxman 291)(Del) explained the meaning of ‘substantial question of law’.

  4. Appeal shall be heard on substantial question of law formulated by the High Court.The High Court may, if it is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded, hear the appeal on any other bstantial question of law not formulated by it.
    5.Provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 relating to appeals to High Court shall, as far as the case may be, apply in
    case of appeals under this section.
    6 High Court may admit an appeal after expiry of period of 120 days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filing the same within that period.

Filing of Appeal or application for reference by Income-tax authority : Sec. 268A

1. The Board may, from time to time, issue orders, instructions or directions to other income-tax authorities, fixing such monetary limits as it may deem fit, for the purpose of regulating filing of appeal or application for reference by any income-tax authority under the provisions of this Chapter.

2. Where, in pursuance of the orders, instructions or directions issued under sub-section (1), an income-tax authority has not filed any appeal or application for reference on any issue in the case of an assessee for any assessment year, it shall not preclude such authority from filing an appeal or application for reference on the same issue in the case of –

a) the same assessee for any other assessment year; or

b) any other assessee for the same or any other Filing of Appeal or application for reference by Income-tax authority : Sec. 268A

  1. The Board may, from time to time, issue orders, instructions or directions to other income-tax authorities, fixing such monetary limits as it may deem fit, for the purpose of regulating filing of appeal or application for reference by any income-tax authority under the provisions of this Chapter.
  2. 2. Where, in pursuance of the orders, instructions or directions issued under sub-section (1), an income-tax authority has not filed any appeal or application for reference on any issue in the case of an assessee for any assessment year, it shall not preclude such authority from filing an appeal or application for reference on the same issue in the case of –
    a) the same assessee for any other assessment year; or
    b) any other assessee for the same or any other assessment year
  3. Notwithstanding that no appeal or application for reference has been filed by an income-tax authority pursuant to the orders or instructions or directions issued under sub-section (1), it shall not be lawful for an assessee, being a party in any appeal or reference, to contend that the income-tax authority has acquiesced in the decision on the disputed issue by not filing an appeal or application for reference in any case.
  4. The Appellate Tribunal or Court, hearing such appeal or reference, shall have regard to the orders, instructions or directions issued under sub-section (1) and the circumstances under which such appeal or application for reference was filed or not filed in respect of any case.
  5. Every order, instruction or direction which has been issued by the Board fixing monetary limits for filing an appeal or application for reference shall be deemed to have been issued under sub-section (1) and the provisions of sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) shall apply accordingly.


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