5S  Audit Schedule RSWM -KGM (Round 5)  
S.N Zone Name  5S Jan. 16 Round -4 Score 5S Feb. 16 Round -5 Score Diffrance Persentage  
1 IT 70 93 23 -70
2 Washroom 10 30 20 -10
3 Staff Club 70 85 15 -70
4 Staff Colony 35 45 10 -35
5 Engineering -Sj-11 64 76 12 -64
6 Maintenance-1,2,3 70 78 8 -70
7 Health Center 83 91 8 -83
8 RM Godown+Waste Godown 42 50 8 -42
9 Maintenance-4,5,6 46 53 7 -46
10 Scrap yard 52 58 6 -52
11 Spinnning-4-6 70 76 6 -70
12 Maintenance-9 66 71 5 -66
13 Post Spinning-1-3 70 75 5 -70
14 Guest House 57 62 5 -57
15 Store 84 88 4  
16 Maintenance-SJ-11 86 90 4 -86
17 Post Spinning-4-6 68 72 4 -68
18 Post Spinning -9 75 79 4 -75
19 Canteen -5 62 65 3 -62
20 Worker's colony 58 61 3 -58
21 Bachlor hostel 62 65 3 -62
22 NPD 64 66 2 -64
23 HRD 77 79 2 -77
24 Spinning-9 91 93 2 -91
25 Training  75 77 2 -75
26 Security gates -3 64 65 1 -64
27 Spinnning-1-3 40 41 1 -40
28 SJ-11 92 93 1 -92
29 Fibre dying & Yarn devt. 72 70 -2 -72
Note      All Auditor's are requested to submit the report latest by 18th Feb.2016 with photographs to the under signed with CC to Auditee