SEBI buy-back of securities Regulations, 1998 |
SEBI (Buy- Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 apply to buy-back of shares or
other specified securities of a company listed on a stock exchange. However, buy-back
is not permitted so as to delist its shares or other specified securities from the
stock exchange.
2. Methods of
The SEBI regulations prescribe following methods of buy-back:
a. Proportionate
method from existing security holders
b. Open market method
Book building
Stock exchange
c. Odd lot
d. Securities buy-back
from employees who were issued securities under scheme of stock option or sweat
A company shall not buy-back its shares from any person through negotiated deals
whether or through:
stock exchange; or
transactions; or
private arrangement
4. Disclosures
and Additional Disclosures
The explanatory statement to be annexed to the notice for the general meeting
pursuant to section 173 of the Companies Act shall contain disclosures as specified
in Schedule II, Part A and further following disclosures:
(a) the maximum price at which
the buy-back of shares or other specified securities shall be made and authority
vested in the Board to determine subsequently the specific price at which the
buy-back may be made at the appropriate time;
(b) if the promoter intends to
offer their shares or other specified securities,
the quantum of shares
or other specified securities proposed to be tendered, and
the details of their
transactions and their holdings for the last six months prior to the passing of the
special resolution for buy-back including information of number of shares or other
specified securities acquired, the price and the date of acquisition.
5. Special
A copy of the resolution passed at the general meeting under sub-section (2) of
section 77A of the Companies Act, shall be filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges
within seven days from the date of passing of the resolution.
6. Board
A copy of the Board resolution shall be filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges
within two working days of the date of the passing of the resolution.
7. Buy-back
through Tender Offer
Buy-back from its existing share holders shall be on a proportionate basis subject
to condition that 15% of the number of securities which the company proposes to buy
back or number of securities entitled as per their share holding, whichever is
higher, shall be reserved for small share holders.
8. Offer
Public announcement shall be made within two working days from the date of
resolution in:
A copy of the public announcement along with the soft copy is to be submitted to
SEBI simultaneously through a merchant banker.
The company is required to file within five working days of the public
announcement a draft-letter of offer along with soft copy with SEBI along with a
declaration of solvency in Form 4A.
SEBI may give its comments on the draft letter of offer within seven working days
of the receipt of the draft letter of offer.
9. Offer
The Company has to announce a record date for the purpose of determining the
entitlement and the names of the security holders.
The letter of offer along with the tender form is required to be dispatched to the
security holders within five working days from the receipt of communication of
comments from SEBI.
The date of the opening of the offer is required to be within five working days
from the date of dispatch of letter of offer.
The offer is required to remain open for a period of 10 working days.
The company is required to accept shares or other specified securities from the
security holders on the basis of their entitlement as on record date.
The shares proposed to be bought back are divided into two categories:
After accepting the shares or other specified securities tendered on the basis of
entitlement, shares or other specified securities left to be bought back, if any in
one category are required to:
First be
accepted in proportion to the shares or other specified securities tendered over and
above their entitlement in the offer by security holders in that category; and
thereafter from security holders who have tendered over and above their entitlement
in other category
10. Escrow account
The company is required to deposit money in an escrow account following
Consideration payable under the Buy-back
Money to be deposited as % of consideration
Does not exceed ` 100 crores
Exceeds ` 100 crores
25% up to ` 100 crores and 10% thereafter
The escrow account shall consist of:
cash deposited with
a scheduled commercial bank, or
bank guarantee in favour of the merchant banker (1% Extra in cash), or
deposit of
acceptable securities with appropriate margin, with the merchant banker (1% Extra in
cash), or
a combination of
(a), (b) and (c) above
11. Payment to share
A company is required to complete the verifications of offers received and make
payment within seven working days of the closure of the offer.
12. Extinguishment of
Securities bought back shall be extinguished/physically destroyed within 15 days
of the date of acceptance of the securities in the presence of a Registrar to issue
or the Merchant Banker and the Statutory Auditor. All the securities bought back
shall be extinguished within 7 days of the last date of completion of buy-back.
13. Buy-back through Stock
The resolution
shall specify the maximum price at which the buyback shall be made.
The buy-back of the
shares shall not be made from the promoters or persons in control of the company.
The company
shall appoint a merchant banker and make a public announcement.
The public
announcement shall be made at least seven days prior to the commencement of
A copy of the
public announcement shall be filed with SEBI within two days of such
The public
announcement shall also contain disclosures regarding details of the brokers and
stock exchanges through which the buy-back of shares or other specified securities
would be made.
The buy-back shall
be made only on stock exchanges having nationwide trading terminals, i.e. BSE and
The buy-back of
shares or other specified securities shall be made only through the order matching
mechanism except ‘all or none’ order matching system and the identity of
the company as a purchaser shall appear on the electronic screen when the order is
The company
and the merchant banker shall submit the information regarding the shares
bought-back, to the stock exchange on a daily basis and publish the said information
in a national daily on a fortnightly basis and every time when an additional 5% of
the buy-back has been completed.
14. Buy-back through Book
resolution shall specify the maximum price at which the buy-back shall be made.
The company shall
appoint a merchant banker and make a public announcement.
The public
announcement shall be made at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the
The deposit in the escrow
account shall be made before the date of the public announcement
A copy of the
public announcement shall be filed with SEBI within two days of announcement.
The number of
bidding centres shall not be less than thirty and there shall be at least one
electronically linked computer terminal at all the bidding centres.
The offer for
buy-back shall remain open for a period not less than fifteen days and not exceeding
thirty days.
The final buy-back
price, which shall be the highest price accepted, shall be paid to all holders whose
shares or other specified securities have been accepted for buy-back.
15. Obligations of the
The letter of
offer, the public announcement of the offer or any other advertisement, circular,
brochure, publicity material shall contain true, factual and material information and
shall not contain any misleading information and must state that the directors of the
company accepts the responsibility for the information contained in such
The Company shall
not issue any shares or other specified securities including by way of bonus till the
date of closure of the offer.
The Company
shall pay the consideration only by way of cash.
The Company shall
not withdraw the offer to buy-back after the draft letter of offer.
The promoter
or the person shall not deal in the shares or other specified securities of the
Company during the period of the buy-back offer is open.
No public
announcement of buy-back shall be made during the pendency of any scheme of
amalgamation or compromise or arrangement.
The Company shall
nominate a compliance officer and investors service centre for compliance with the
buy-back regulations and to redress the grievances of the investors.
The particulars of
the security certificates extinguished and destroyed shall be furnished by the
company to the stock exchanges within seven days of extinguishment and
The company
shall not buy-back the locked-in shares and non-transferable shares.
The Company
shall within two days of the completion of buy-back issue a public advertisement in a
national daily giving specified disclosures about the buy-back.
16. Obligations of the
Merchant Banker
The company is able to
implement the offer.
The provision
relating to escrow account as referred to in regulation 10 has been made.
arrangements for monies for payment to fulfil the obligations under the offer are in
The public
announcement of buy-back is made in terms of the regulations.
The letter of
offer has been filed in terms of the regulations.
The merchant
banker shall furnish to the Board a due diligence certificate which shall accompany
the draft letter of offer.
The merchant banker
shall ensure that the contents of the public announcement of offer as well as the
letter of offer are true, fair and adequate and quoting the source wherever
The merchant banker
shall ensure compliance of section 77A and section 77B of the Companies Act, and any
other laws or rules as may be applicable in this regard.
Upon fulfilment of all obligations by the company under the regulations, the merchant
banker shall inform the bank with whom the escrow or special amount has been
deposited to release the balance amount to the company.
The merchant
banker shall send a final report to the Board in the form specified within 15 days
from the date of closure of the buy-back offer.
17. Fees payable to SEBI
While submitting the offer documents or a copy of the public announcement to SEBI,
fees have to be paid as per the size of the buy-back, as follows:
Offer size
Fee ` (See note below)
Less than or equal to ten crore rupees
One lakh rupees (` 1,00,000/-)
More than ten crore rupees, but less than or equal to one thousand crore
0.125% of the offer size
More than one thousand crore rupees, but less than or equal to five thousand
crore rupees
One crore twenty five lakh rupees (` 1,25,00,000/-) plus 0.03125 per cent of
the portion of the offer size in excess of one thousand crore rupees
(` 1000,00,00,000/-)
More than five thousand crore rupees.
A flat charge of three crore rupees (` 3,00,00,000/-)
(Note: The above fee table was substituted vide amendment regulations dated
31st March, 2008.)